Range Etiquette for a Range Idiot

Since you were not set up yet, I know I would have told him since he was consolidated at lane 9 we would swap and I would set up at lane 7. If he continued to be a jerk with that arrangement, I would get my kid out of there and go discuss with range management. If they didn’t want to handle it, then they just permanently lost my business.

Hot tempers, loaded firearms, and my kid in the middle of the mix don’t go together.

My buddy had a similar situation in the beginning of the current national situation. Ammo was still readily available and every Tom, Dick, and Harry was packing the ranges. There was a guy shooting in the lane my buddy was assigned to. Buddy went and talked to the guy thinking his time was up. The guy argued with him and basically told my buddy to take a hike. Every lane was occupied, so buddy let the RO do his job and toss the guy out of his lane. End of story,


I mean, we’re talking about going to the range and doing our shooting as we had intended, without getting sidetracked by confronting somebody and starting crap that doesn’t need to be, then going on with our day.

I’m not sure that really qualifies as secluding ourselves in our homes.

I’ll tell you why we don’t own guns, we don’t own guns so we can start arguments with people at the range because we have a gun too

A life lesson I learned awhile back…pick your battles.


Point well taken, however, the more we take a step back the closer we get the the rock and the hard place!


That’s what self-defense is.

When fighting is the first move in conflict instead of the last move — and the baddest bear rules the woods — then we are not a community or a society at all.

Defense is about protection not prevailing; and courage is about what is right not who is strong.


No doubt there’s a time and place for everything!


The range I shoot at twice a week has Zero tolerance for this Buffoons actions.
They have employees who are within the range at All times to insure safety and courtesy.
I would talk to the Manager/Owner of the range and if he’s not amenable to change, find another place.
Good Luck!


This is a noteworthy comment. We don’t want people arguing in a range. Some really great people have short fuses.


Well stated Brad.

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Depending on circumstances, I have talked to the offending party/ies, talked to the RSO, or mentioned the issue to the RSO as I have left. Frequently I have found those offending parties are amenable when approached with the proper attitude. I typically approach with a helpful question/suggestion explaining the safety issue or to offer assistance. Most people when addressed in a friendly, non-confrontational manner, do not get offended or defensive, etc. My primary concern is to not leave with more holes than I came with.


Today, the part of RSO will be played by…Rolf Buchholz. "It all started with one hole, and then:


Okay, got me there, but I believe one would still know the diffenrece between a “piercing” and a bullet hole.

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That’s what we call a “gateway plug.”


I hear you, but I wouldn’t do that at a gun range. The guy is an idiot…and he’s armed. How do you know he’s not crazy too?


I had a similar experience at an outdoor public range last week. A local idiot pulls up gets out with what I would call an HK 92 “knockoff”. His “wife” gets out of driver side she has an unholstered handgun .Both weapons appeared to be loaded.They were swinging them all around. No regard at all for muzzle discipline. Then to top it off idiot number one goes to backseat an takes out junior who is in his baby seat and places him on range table. At this point I was almost through with the drill I was doing that day and I decided to cut it short and leave. As I was leaving they had set up targets and of course started rapid firing.They didn’t hit any of the targets. In my opinion they couldn’t hit a cow in the butt with a Bass fiddle on purpose.I just shook my head and went home.


So wrong on too many levels. WOW… you did the right thing for yourself getting the H-ll away. I gather there was no RSO as that person should definitely been informed.

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I’m surprised that the RSO didn’t do anything about it. :man_shrugging:t2:

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I have worked at a couple ranges as RSO’s and there is no way that person would have been able to do what then did.

But you did do the right thing. With your daughter there. By not confronting him. Not sure if there is another lane you could have moved to. But you were right to keep your eye on him. You never know when you have that idiot turn around and get distracted. And have an accident.

God Speed

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In that situation I call over the RSO and make a big deal asking, AM I ON LANE 9? Then, WHERE DO I PUT MY THINGS?

Usual with benches/tables are located behind the firing line as you describe, the idiots will load there (USCCA for their) firearms their (USCCA for there) the firing then flag everyone as they meander up to the firing line.

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Grammar Nazi, not funny. People make typos, get over it. This is not the place for petulance.


Unfortunately this is not a one time occurrence. Not sure what is going on, but I’m really getting tired of everyone blaming everything wrong, including stupid garbage like this idiot with no etiquette on the Covid Pandemic. It’s as if the virus somehow changed peoples personalities, sadly for the worse. Just the other day, while buying groceries, a young guy (I’m over 65 so a lot of folks are going to me) started badgering an elderly woman in the express line because she had 11 items in a 10 item line. She turned around and said to him, “I had 10 items but then i saw one of my items was a. BOGO… so I would up with 11… do you still have a problem, and do you want me to go to another line?” She was so calm and collected and this Idiot felt like the jerk he was. Don’t know what anyone else has experienced or seen lately, but this RUDENESS, and I ONLY CARE ABOUT MYSELF attitude has got to go. It’s absolutely insane behavior. Take care everyone and stay safe. Also, let’s all say a prayer for that 3 week old child with Sepsis that was mentioned in another post.