Press Checks: Do you or don't you?

Always want to make sure I have a live round ready to go

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Every morning when I strap up for the first time.
After Iā€™ve loaded my street rounds after dry practice and when I am done on the range.
After cleaning/maintenance.
#wildwestpimpstyle :cowboy_hat_face:


Yep, discovered this mistake in my early days (1998) of Glock ownership. G21 chipped the extractor claw, but I didnā€™t know the why until I went to go buy a new extractor, and the gunsmith gave me that knowing look one gets when you are noob.


Even riding extractor back over the casing is not recommendedā€¦ it cannot be avoided in 'double feed malfunction" :smirk:
Thatā€™s why having good quality handgun mattersā€¦


After carrying an empty firearm all day (When I was a novice at conceal carry) I began to press check my firearm every morning before leaving the house.


Smart. :+1:

Always know the condition of the firearm.
And how to know it without press check? :wink:


When I pick up my Hellcat I can feel the weight knowing itā€™s loaded, and you can see the round in the chamber via a very small viewing hole, but I still insist on dumping the mag to check it and press checking the firearm. I also take note of the shell count in the mag, as I have three mags that each hold more than the other (10, 13, & 15), but I tend to stick to the middle one (13). Gives me 14 with one in the pipe. Will I remember that in a gunfight? Doubtful, but that is the hope. Then again, best way to avoid a gun fight is to not get in one.

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I press check. When loading.

I want to definitively know that

*There is a round in the chamber
*The extractor has a firm, correct hold on the rim of that round

But I do this when loading the firearm.

I do not administratively handle the loaded gun outside of the holster repeatedly daily as it is an unnecessary risk/time

Definitively check every time it is loaded, before it goes in a holster. Thatā€™s all I am concerned with really


One of mine I can see the brass through a small slot in at ejector other has a pop up showing loaded. My 1911 yep, its necessary. Hey Jerzees, it been a little bit. Hope all is well. :us:


All good here :metal:

I keep my habits the same for every firearm.
All ā€œindicatorsā€ means nothing to me and I always do press check. Lowest fancy firearm dictates the standardā€¦ meaning 1911 is the standard for firearm handling.