I’ve only had the sweep happen to me once.The instructor in charge of a basic handgun class for women watched one of his students reload a revolver pass it to another student then another.Its a cold range…no loading until preparing to fire on the line. This student pointed that revolver at me twice,.I relocated to behind the instructors truck until the noobs had left. I had to qualify.I put 49 in the go zone and put my last round square between the eyes. The instructor said " the last one would have worked in self defense but kept you from a perfect score" I returned with I had a flashback of the blonde student pointing her gun at me in the same spot.He didn’t have an answer,just scored me and said bye
That’s the feeling I get when I am done with my “Recoil Therapy”. I enjoy myself and wind up leaving with a smile.
I would leave. If they do not know how to handle a weapon from in the box to out of the box and back into the box, then they are a ‘hazard to navigation’. That means you and everyone else on the range are in danger. Notify the RSO. If there is no RSO, notify the owner/operator of the range. I am a brand new shooter and the folks I train with would no more allow this than flying to the moon. They would be all over you like flies on poop.
Safety starts with the fundamentals, and picking up and setting down a weapon was the number one thing I learned, long before setting foot on a range. This is a discipline. Once learned, you never slack off on the fundamentals. I train at home with a SIRT. Same discipline. Period. No change, nothing different. From out of the box until back in the box. And, that includes when I set the SIRT down on a shelf, pointing it in a safe direction toward a ‘simulated solid wall’ away from the direction I will walk to hang a target or retrieve said target when I’m done. I’m a newbie, but I am sure the pros use this same discipline. This should never change.
I use two public ranges just to be with other gun owners they will give one warning then tell you to pack up and leave and you can’t return for 60 days. at my home range there is no warning you just leave if you can’t fallow standard rules then your baned.
You are correct My Good Sir,
You maybe a ‘Newbie’ but you have a great head start over a bunch of (I wouldn’t call them Experienced, just owned guns longer.
You have built a solid foundation Brother. Keep going.
Welcome to the Fold.
I . Keep my hand . On my . EDC .Love Bobby Jean
can’t see anything???
Happy Birthday!
The 'TEE SHIRTS" are ‘Metaphorical’ Brother (I should have a couple too! )
Had almost the same reaction, I got shot one time and after I yelled ‘Ouch!’ I Sneezed and tasted gun powder! (sucked) Just don’t blow smoke outta yer A** Brother!
Give Debbie ann a hug, Thanks for the wishes.
I see nothing???
wtf is this can’ post can’t see anything???
Put on your glasses!
Don102. Thanks Brother . When I got. Shot. In my right collarbone!! . The . Gun was pressed against my . Shoulder. At. An angle that . The round . Went through. My joint. Of my collarbone. And shattered it . And . Stopped. 3,inches. From my . Spine. They . Cut it out .OF. My Back. At the Hospital. !! And I truly was blown .smoke out of my mouth. . Point blank . It blew a hole in my shirt the size of a silver Dollar. .!! That was . A. 3.80, the . Ten millamiter . Round . They will never cut it out. . Brother that. Changed my . Attitude for . Ever. .I. Am so very very Blessed . My Doctors . Know the GRATE SPIRIT . Is WATCHING OVER ME . Seriously it’s been . A process. To say the very least . Love you Brother . Stay sharp. . Thank you for your service . Bobby jean .&, Debbie ann . SIR p.s. t.m.i.
think it was one of those provider glitch’s???
ya BULLY… errr wait…
I was just wondering why they sent you the replies if you can’t see anything.
I will always right away if possible go over to my student and tell him/her what they did wrong and hopefully they say that they realized it right away which means they are completely incompetent. I explain to thembwhat they did and how its actually a potentially major problem that we are always trying to never let happen. I go over what they did and ask them to tell me how they will go about it so it never happens again. Im not arogant about but i am letting them know how serious it is and what needs to be done to stop that mistake and inalmost always get a positive reaction and a assurance it wont happen again. If it happens a second time then my manner of speaking gets a good bit more Stern depending on how serious it is and that could be the end of their training with me or it’s the second strike and they’re definitely is no third
Just because of the sheer lack of knowledge and ignorance or just spatial awareness. I don’t go to ranges any more. I shoot on my own property.