House of Worship - Parking Lots

great advice. We’re the Safety Services team at our church.


Cars & their belongings are important, but only to a lower level. What’s breathing oxygen either inside or outside of a building is 99% of our sheepdog teams planing and concentration.


We use the term Safety Team vs Security Team, wearing plain street clothes without any identifiers. We do wear baseball caps with the church name and logo stitched on them, but nothing that denotes safety or security. Others wear a name tag instead. Our church lawyer suggested we change to Safety Team due to the current litigious and anti gun state of our nation. We do have a safety member stationed in the parking lot before, during and after services, but if not, a safety member is posted overlooking the lot from the large safety team office office window.


Our (large) church changed policy last year and suddenly forbade concealed or open carry by members. A private meeting with our senior pastor revealed that the move saved over $40,000 per year in liability insurance premiums, making the decision understandably necessary.

My wife and I stopped attending in person, and we now watch the Sunday morning services on streaming video on computer. Although convenient is numerous ways, and it certainly solves the parking dilemma, it is not a perfect solution - we still cannot participate in other socialization and meetings (Wednesday night bibles study, etc), but it’s all that’s available so far… unless we look for another church.


How many lives can you buy for $40,000?

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Welcome to the family and god bless you.

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Actually… very few, in the real world. Mass shootings (real ones, by FBI definition) are indeed quite rare - they are just extremely hyped by media.


I live in a very small town. Mostly an older population. I dont think anybody locks their car (except in the summer… if you dont you are going to find a bag of zucchini sitting in your seat… just kidding), many dont even roll the windows up unless it might rain. On the other hand, it wouldnt surprise me if 1/2 the people in the church are carrying. And everyone knows everyone else and look after each other. I am very fortunate.


Find another church, it appears that they have lost their way as they are overly concerned more about money than the people in the pews. To put it another way, “They talk the talk but don’t walk the walk”.

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