Google ordered to identify users who watched certain YouTube videos

I watched the video from Venezuelan activist leaving in Ohio, where he was teaching illegals to squat on someone’s property, get public assistance, etc. Let them sue me.


The ‘STASI’ at play once again.
All they need now are nifty little Red and Black armbands
and they are good to go!

'How do you know he’s a king?

‘He hasn’t got shite all over him!’ --M.Python/Holy Grail
(Yes he does Boys and Girls!)

The Un-United States of America is a FAILED STATE!

WE the People are so DIVIDED and (30) % of the population ‘STILL think he’s doing a good job!’
The 'Anti-Trumpers/TDS’ers are so brainwashed they can’t even see the trouble this administration
has put us in. They don’t CARE about what these Socialist/Marxists are doing as long as HE doesn’t get back in. It’s was the same same with Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti etc. They listened and backed despotic dictator’s till the wheels fell off.
Just look at this country—really look ! Then think back to just (4) years ago-----It was another World.



I don’t think we’re a failed state…yet…but the handwriting is on the wall, and we can either read the handwriting and heed what it is saying, or not…in which case, American democracy is in deep trouble.

Read Os Guiness’ book “Zero Hour America”. It’s a very thoughtful and challenging treatise on what the US needs to do NOW to save itself.


ordered it!
and this as well! what the hell right? Looked interesting!

thanks Mat.


I agree that crypto is not a good investment, possibly even a pyramid. Again though, that is up for each of us to decide ourselves. Not a nanny state government.


They have already been trying to regulate home gardens because they “pollute more than commercial farms”. This is an endemic problem in all governments to control and regulate unnecessarily and likely nefariously. Do you always play devils advocate/troll others opinions. I see it a lot here.


Exactly. Perhaps someone wanted to learn about this topic to be able to PREVENT potential fraud. Why is the information itself being censored? It is what someone CHOOSES to do with it that has ramifications. Think while you can before it’s illegal to do so.


And that (growing your own food) being illegal IS a problem

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BTW, Os is one of the best thinkers alive today, on par with C.S. Lewis.

And his family IS, in fact, the Guinness beer family.


Speaking of notifying the government…I find it disturbing that companies running contests for gun and gear giveaways relay almost entirely on organizations decidedly anti-2A where you have to go to get your “multiple” entries each day. I am talking about Facebook, Instagram, and all the others we regularly see, many of which are Google spin-offs. Is it hard to imagine that every time you enter a contest that info goes to ATF so they can monitor you, or to the IRS to make sure you are paying income tax on your winnings?

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