Bruen Invalidates ‘Sensible’ Gun Control Laws

Unfortunately, a lot of these “common sense laws” have no basis in facts and are overturned, but the reason for communist governments’ attempts with these unconstitutional laws is to bankrupt “pro-gun groups” through lawsuits. the communists, soros and soetoro backed groups have very deep pockets.


Dog gangs possibly? :disguised_face:


Joseph488, an assault rifle would, in reality, be ANY rifle used in an assault. Considering this along with the hard to escape fact that most assaults causing mass casualties are military actions then the M-16 and also the AR 15 can legitimately be considered to be assault rifles. Of course if this was taken into account then we would need to add the bolt action rifles because the military used them or that purpose and we would need to include single shots (including the venerable front loaders used in our Revolution and later in our War of Northern Aggression) because they were used in assaults.

Now, the good thing is that if the anti-gun crowd would agree to this they could ban to their heart’s content because only those rifles actually used in and involved in an actual assault could be banned. It would only effect collectors of military weapons but the NFA already provides exceptions for collectors. Wouldn’t ban our personal AR or AK type rifles even if we had to shoot a few dozen home invaders with them because a defensive action is not an assault.


When you say to someone I’m going to kick your ass that is by law assault. So legally anything can be considered an assault weapon if you threaten someone with it.


That’s for sure Bruce and that is why I mentioned the good old front loaders used by our founders in their little old Revolution.

ONLY those actually used in and part of an assault can legitimately be called assault rifles.


I sincerely believe most if not all liberals are like chickens… a chicken is so stupid you have to get it out of the rain to keep it from drowning. It feels the rain and looks up to see whats hitting it and will drown!

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There’s that lack of rational thought again. It’s a hallmark of liberalism.