Amateur Radio in August 2021 Concealled Carry

I just got the 8/21 issue of Concealed Cary, and I appreciated the article on Ham Radio.

I’ve been a Ham operator for over 50 years now, and I’m fully onboard with all of the capabilities we offer. For example, 09/11/2001, an emergency Ham network cropped up nationwide to assist in health and welfare traffic to comfort those outside of New York with concerns about relatives working in the Trade Center. After that, the emergency Response Organizations found out that their radios were all on different frequencies, and they couldn’t communicate with each other. The solution there was for a Ham “shadow” to be with top officials that, through Ham radio, could allow different agencies to communicate with each other.

I’m currently in the process of moving to a new location in the SC mountains. I’ll be setting up an emergency VHF repeater on a ridge that will be powered by solar - completely self contained. Once I get there, I’ll also be signing in with other emergency networks to get connected and be ready to pitch in, and talking with neighbors to let them know of my capabilities and how we can all help.


Perhaps with your new locale you can get involved in, or start up, a TARPN. TARPN Network Page


I dont know what you just said. I use GMRS radios on my property for safety, and love diddling with my world band radio… which id pretty much a hobby of frustration.
I would love to be a part of the world band network but have no idea how to start. I have been looking at an Eaton Radio just for listening: but not sure if I will just be further frustrated or enjoy it.

Recommendations for anyone looking to get into WB?


Never done packet, but I’ll look into it.

It’s all kind of technical, but mostly like GMRS with a lot longer range. The repeater is in the same frequency range as GMRS, but with that you can extend your range to up to 30 miles for your handheld radios. For longer range, we use lower frequency radio, which allow direct contact with stations nationwide (and globally). _ hope that helps :slight_smile:

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How about DMR? I have not delved into that yet myself. Being digital rather than analog, I have heard that the range is far better.