9 ways to end up in jail as a weapon owner/carrier (including intended de-escalation)

I don’t know about y’all but I’ve utilized a ‘show-of-force’ on two occasions. Both times the intent was to make the threats choose a different path. (In one case one person, in another two) [the two were wanted for murder, one in Africa and one in Saudi Arabia]. I found this video very educational and, let’s face it, an ounce of prevention is worth allot! So I hope that you enjoy the video and learn at least one thing; I learned several.


I’ve never pointed a gun at anyone stateside nor have I brandished one. This has some good Intel from a legal standpoint.


To be clear: I never pointed the firearm at anyone but, in the case of the two men wanted for murder, four officers from four different agencies came and shook my hand for how I handled the situation. I believe that if I had not drawn the weapon and hung it at my side they would have pushed it to the point of a potentially fatal incident. I simly waited until they were walking away and called the police. Two Del Rio Police, two CBP vehicles, two Val Verde Sheriff vehicles and two undercover ICE converged to intersect my following of the two at a distance. One of the ICE agents pulled behind my car to cover me. In other words: There are scenarios that may cause for it so don’t carve yourself into any corners.


I pray you never are placed into a situation where you need to do either but, if that time should arise, that you make the right decision(s).


sometimes if you lucky/fortunate…

all you need to do is SHOW that your armed with your hand near the weapon???

that is NOT brandishing is it? hmmm… maybe I should ask that directly???


Not if no one sees it:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I have learned, both from this forum and from USCCA videos, that if you so much as draw your weapon to defend yourself and the people threatening you run off before shots are fired, you should still call 911 and report the incident. Otherwise, if the bad guys call first and tell a story that you threatened them without provocation, you could end up being arrested. Apparently this has happened to some legal carriers according to what I’ve read and seen.


Of course. What would make one think that one should not report someone trying to murder them.
The thing is if you drew your weapon and you didn’t think somebody was trying to murder you, you would be reporting yourself for brandishing, which I wouldn’t advise.

so we are to not react or call if we thought we might face serious bodily harm???

say more then one and 2 or 3 are trying to get behind you???

seen several online video’s of people getting hurt by groups of attackers… punched, kicked, stomped on…

some even received so much damage they were hospitalized… IIRC…

courts will allow for that sort of thing…

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That goes without saying.

have read many of your post… have to say IMHO you live in a very NICE world…

in mine… one night walked into a bar… not long after a very attractive female approached me…

had scanned the bar soon as I walked in and noticed she was hanging on a big brawny sorta guy…

politely told here she very attractive and I was not interested as I had a great girl friend…

she went away… not long after a little guy came in bought a beer and went to the juke box…

noticed the big guy with the girlfriend perked up when he walked in… seemed like he gave her a look and…

she sauntered over to the little guy at the juke box… struck up a conversation…

little guy seemed taken with her… things kinda progressed… soon big guy gets off his stool and…

head over… starts yellen and pushing the little guy…

little guy looks at girlfriend face and then at the big guy… his face changed…

guess he figured he had been setup???

pulled out a wicked lookin knife and stuck the big guy in the guts 3 or 4 times… dropped his beer…

and ran out the door… nobody moved… just sat and watched… the bar tender made a phone call…

me I decided I did NOT want anything to do with this… got up and departed…

do not know how it finally turned out…

seen games of pool in a bar turn nasty…

seen one marine slam his mug of beer on the table…

breaking it and then slammed the broken part into the face of another…

seen another slam a ashtray into the face of another…

great bodily harm… happens…

sadly there exist people that contain NO LOVE… don’t know if they are born that way or it’s driven out…

you can extend love toward them and they will return hate and injury with a smile…

my world is very different from yours… best to ya all the same…

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sorry… I did not see you saying that so… posted my opinion… wanted to avoid people getting hurt…

after all sometimes fear of bodily harm is enough…

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I just assume everyone knows one can’t pull their gun unless they are in imminent danger of death or grave bodily harm. There are exceptions like practice. I can’t list them all.

assume hmmmm…

Yea, I was reluctant to use that word. I should have said I feel confident everyone knows.

fair enough… IMHO there are to many now a days that have a serious lack of common sense…

so it is unsafe to NOT express more when posting???

but that is my opinion so…

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