Youtube favorites, who's yours?

I’m just going to say, “You be the judge.” And leave it at that. :slight_smile:


“Yeah, but” I’ll have to leave some “caveats” for you about the “high tech fleece bullet stop”.


“Again, don’t try this at home, I’m what you call a professional.”


I mostly watch Hickok45 and Demolition Ranch and occasionally watch 22plinkster, and Iraqveteran8888

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Gun Talk media, USCCA, IraqVet8888, to name a few,

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I’ve been staying out of this thread because I just know I’m going to want to go watch all of them… :woman_facepalming:
Maybe I didn’t need that extra sleep anyway… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

For anything Glock, Lenny Magill at The Glock Store - if you can do it to a glock, attach it to a glock, or use it with a glock, he’s got it on there. Excellent videos on how to do parts-replacements and upgrades.

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Hickock45, USCCA/Kevin et al, Demo Ranch (sometimes), 22plinkster

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:rofl::rofl::joy::rofl: OMGosh what is WRONG with people :woman_facepalming: :rofl:

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That kid is SO lucky he didn’t get permanently blinded. The way dad was talking, the kid is a serious f— up.

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If you read the description. The poster is the kids brother and he hints that the kid is a moron.

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Jerry Miculek definitely. Especially his video on 30 round magazine clips…hilarious. And his fully semi automatic assault staple gun.


My Favorites are Jerry Miculek, Hicko45, USCCA, Sootch00, James Yeager, Daily Shooter…I also like Iraqveteran888, Colin Nior, Yankee Marshall, Warrior Poet, GunGuyTV, Reid Heinrichs, MrGunsnGear, Geauga Firearms Academy, Guns and Gadgets.

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Nutnfancy, GunTalkMedia, TheGunCollective, Active Self Protection, WarriorPoet, RangerUp/BlackRiffle, CanadianPrepper, StevenCrowder, The Outdoor Gear Review…a bunch of others.

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I like most of the names that have been listed on this thread. One of the opinions I usuallyI like that I haven’t seen is Aaron Cowan of Sage Dynamics.


Hickock45, Colion Noir , USCCA and many more!

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Adding Liberty Doll to the list of my favorites.

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As mentioned by others Active Self Protection videos on YouTube are some of the best videos for anyone thinking of carrying a firearm. These are actual security cameras and videos of real life situations around the world involving firearms, pepper spray, knives and other weapons. Shows you how fast things go down and how real people react, some very well and others not so well. Go to or search YouTube for active self protection. I subscribed and view one video a day which are all educational.

The second YouTube site I really like is Jerry Mciculek. He is just plain entertaining to watch and he enjoys what he is doing. He has one video of him shooting a revolver and reloading it so quickly that I could not see how he did it. He is up and firing again before most others would have ejected a magazine from a semi-auto pistol. Very fun to watch and he is educational.

There are many other sites that are very good also as mentioned by the other folks on this post. I just happen to believe that if you are serious about carrying a firearm the self protection videos need to be watched daily.


@MrPuma2072. This is what is inheriting our America? He’ll be voting soon too.

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