Not too close to my place but this is the area where I went to Jr High and High School. In our days it was chains and clubs now it’s shoot shoot shoot…
I remember these sort of fights happening around the area when rival High School teams would play each other. A big wild melee and then scattering and running when the police were called. It was funny because the guy you had just been busting on would help you get into his truck or you stopped and helped him into your car. Especially if it was a Friday Night. We would all go and hit the same spot and cruise up and down the street til you could get him back to his friends. Then it was onto the serious business of girls.
Now pu$$ies use guns.
I don’t really consider the “chains and clubs” as preferable to guns; they can be just as deadly. Many an armored knight was done in with chains and clubs, and chains attached to clubs.
The root problem is the inability to resolve a dispute without resorting to violence-- the childish solution. Sadly, that inability has been around for as long as people have been. All people get older; fewer actually grow up.
It really is the Wild Wild West…
“Not long after, a 30-year-old man — one of those denied entry into the club — pulled out a gun and fired about three rounds into the air, according to the charges. Charles then pulled out a gun and started shooting at the man. The 30-year-old man fell to the ground but continued to fire, the charges state. Witnesses allegedly said the two men “had not been arguing before the shooting.” Police say the two men were acquainted with each other and are unsure why Charles allegedly shot the other.”
We’re Bud’s Right? Let’s go the the Bar, We’ll have fun…