Why I Cancelled My USCCA Membership

Your adjuster is not just some random adjuster. It’s the VP of Claims (according to you) and she/he/they/them (see I’m being a good little deplorable and not assuming anyone’s gender) has taken enough of an interest to respond to you. So that’s a good thing and it’s good that you have a criminal attorney.

I can’t imagine that your criminal attorney has an issue with having an Insurance Company paying the bills seeing as most Insurance Companies have much deeper pockets than an individual. So, it would seem to be fairly reasonable for him to assist you and give your Insurance Company the information it needs and ensure that your claim is expedited. But sure let’s go with the USCCA decided to deny your claim on a whim. That makes for a much more entertaining story.:roll_eyes:

Color me confused, but I am mildly curious how all of your exculpatory evidence has been lost. You didn’t keep any back up copies?


Sorry, that is just funny to me.


Too funny. :rofl::joy::laughing: An ad hominem attack AND a straw man attack.

With a bonus





I think like EVERYTHING else ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ have to say ENOUGH!
That being Topic’s that ran it’s course (Like this one)
Politicians (One in the same?)
Violent acts against INNOCENTS
Wokeness/ DEI
The Country is in free fall.
When something isn’t working in my life anymore
I cut it the DUCK loose!
People are lying to us, to our faces
As ROME (So Cal) BURNS Liberals talk
about REBUILDING as the Fires head towards San Diego.
They talk about the 2028 Olympics’ ? Really? Seriously?
What’s it going to take America?
What’s it going to take for ACCOUNTABILITY to be demanded?
I don’t know about this Topic or DARWIN’S case but the (397) Comments
make me feel like I should wash my face, I feel like MY FAMILY is being ATTACKED!
I feel it’s DIRTY. And it doesn’t ring true.
These few folk’s who come on here and say anti-USCCA stuff is really upsetting me.
IF this is a real case I’m sorry Darwin for your troubles
but you are either NOT explaining yourself well or you are Not being TRUTHFUL.
Now you’re Snarking on a Member and I have to say ENOUGH!
When you start belittling someone because they aren’t buying what you are selling maybe it’s time to close this Topic.

Maybe it’s just time to say enough.

Mi dos Centavos


I know where my $$ would be if I was betting on this. I think you have said all that needed to be said brother @Don102



Virtue Signal Much?


Hey @Karacal can you get me a job at USCCA. I could answer the phone or something. Green pink yellow. The phone green, I pink it up and say yellow.


Why is it ? (I’m going to get flamed for this I betcha)
The minute someone is questioned about ‘What they do or state’, they revert to
a cartoon character ‘I own a Mansion and a Yacht’ ?

Elmer FUDD? amirite?

Curious that?


Right or left



I believe everything you have written in this thread. Please do continue.

No, I’m serious @dawrin

No, really, I mean it. I believe it all. Every little bit. @dawrin


WHAT? :roll_eyes:


You are a PIECE OF WORK!
‘Subpoena’ one of us?
Who the duck do you think you are? Clarence Darwin?
Send you info on HIS case?
Where do you come off asking anything?

That’s it!



See ya ‘Tool-Boy’


I think you have an extra X chromosome in there someplace. We are not the emotional type we are the compassionate type. What you call boyfriend we call brother.


Someone give me a recap there’s so much to read.


Yea just be careful you don’t hit your head on the ceiling. If mom comes home pretent like we are watching television.


Yeah, you can’t instigate the fight, then Claim self defense…. It doesn’t work like that


Oh man, what did I miss? Was he threatening to subpoena me? To see if I work for the USCCA? Plus to get records of the service the USCCA gave me? That’s to funny. You don’t need a subpoena, I wrote about it here on this forum, years ago.



I had come out from getting my haircut, and observed 2 people all in black, face masks and hoodies loitering a couple of stores up from me. As I was going to my car I was watching them in the reflection of a black Cadillac Escalade. I saw them beginning to charge and splitting apart as they ran at me, one from rear and one from the front side of my car. I stepped between my car and the Escalade, putting my engine block between me and them. Drew my firearm with one hand and a knife with the other and crouched.

When they saw me react they broke off. I waited til they were gone. Then called 911, the USCCA, and then my wife. In that order. The Emergency Response team spoke with me, and set up a potential claim due to me drawing a firearm in public. Those who have been here awhile have read about me discussing a condition I have called Addison’s, it’s an adrenaline stress condition that if untreated can cause me to go into a coma (has happened 4 times in my life, shortest was hours longest was 4 days). That information is on file with almost every single company/Agency that I deal with because of how quickly it can all go sideways. So if I do go down the information can be disseminated and I can get treatment. Anywho, Police came and reviewed the video from a Police camera they had in that parking lot.

Universal Fire and Casualty assigned an adjuster J****** to the claim.

No charges were filed, no payment was needed, I called as a just in case, but the USCCA and Universal Fire didn’t know that and they got everything going to help me in case I needed it. They also called my attorney of record, who btw I found myself because the USCCA did not have a SD specialized attorney in my area, once I explained to my attorney what the USCCA does, he and his firm became USCCA approved attorneys. But this was a few years ago.


You have to ask? :innocent:


Oh, man, he wasn’t giving the full story. He posted his full name. I Google it and immediately found a whole bunch of news stories about what really happened.

I posted a link to one of the stories and it instantly disappeared, with a note to me from the admins, along with the OP and all his posts.