Though this may be a truism, unfortunately it has become a very familiar slogan. However, your diatribe seems to discount the training of others here on this board, and further suggests that yours is superior; rather than a criticism, I’m more confused by the intention? The choice you made as it pertains to the USCCAs methodology or training apparatus was a personal choice and I hope, for the very issues or items you’ve highlighted is your reason for doing so; I guess my confusion is over the propagation or salesmanship of it? And the question is: Why? Did the organization take something from you? Did it do you wrong some kind of way? Having been privileged to provide content (as you’ve stated), how now can you, having once been a provider, turn and kick it in the face as if it is ineffective (which I reject that notion completely), or am I totally misunderstanding your intent and purpose? I mean, if you don’t need it, cool. But others may desire it. How is that not cool, or a good choice in the midst of many possible choices? Now, I’d like to think that I’m a reasonable person; help me understand your intent behind what you are saying. Not about the USCCA vs. whatever, but about your motive, and what I’m to glean from it as to your position on the matter. Thanks in advance.
You know, sometimes an organization can outpace itself; I wonder whether this could be some of what may be going on?
There is a danger that comes with explosive growth, too many rapidly changing positions on substantive matters and in crucial areas, lack of resolve to stay core standards, always trying to keep up with Jones’s, and trying to outpace some other organization, etc., etc. Could that be happening? Such things can be cost prohibitive if engaged, could be hard on human capital, and could cause the whole organization to collapse on itself. Since Rome wasn’t built in a day; this organization should pace itself in a manner that will be perpetuated well into the future. Be known for core standards and maintain them. Perfect them. Be the best at them. Being careful not to strain at a Knatt while swallowing a whole camel. Not majoring in the minors, so on, and so on. Maybe some of that is good stuff, idk.
David it appears that you might be willing to have a conversation instead of tossing insults now. So let’s delve into what you said?
I have never once said that others should use the modules from the USCCA’s catalogs. However I have made it clear that they aren’t for me. For whatever the reason a few of you act as though I have insulted your mother, based on what I did say. However, once again, that has never been the case that I said anyone was wrong for going thru USCCA modules.
I don’t do it, and that should be my choice. And yes I think you just misunderstood what I was trying to convey. Maybe due to some fault of mine, but also due to the fact that some people simple misinterpret what I say.
I also realize that some of you are buds in the room so when you respond in a terse manner to someone that is being insultive, you now have a fight with several people in a forum. I’m old enough to deal with that issue, since I refuse to be insulted, because someone doesn’t like how I phrase something.
Because we live in a free society.
1. USCCA took nothing away from me. I am a member just like the rest of you.
2. Nothing was wrong, but I have a slightly different way of seeing things, and I tend to be vocal about what I think.
3. Here is a misconception for sure. I am not a USCCA provider, and never have been. I don’t hold a single Instructor certification, but somehow you see me as one? I do however have a ton of onsite training. I do run a few 2a related forums, and none have ties to USCCA.
My first class of this year was another 7 hour defensive pistol course, and next week I’ll be in another class environment at the local PD. So I certainly am accustomed to doing live training as opposed to virtual modules and calling it training.
I’ve also attended a couple of USCCA seminars that were pitched as training. They were really just sales pitches deguise d as class training. If you are new, and a non USCCA member that it has some value I guess. But most of us that had been around firearms for a good length of time just thought a little bit of a waste, since we were already USCCA members.
4. I’m not sure I follow you with this one above, I have never pitted the USCCA against anyone (your whatever). You may have gotten me confused with someone else here on this topic. I even made a call into USCCA and pointed out that they needed to take a stand against the plants they allow to publically call them out.
I would like to think that I and others had a hand in this ( They Are LYING To You (USCCA CEO Confronts Deceptive Claims) being published, since my complaint was sent up the chain. I know the rep I talked with sent my complaint to Tim Schmidt, so maybe some of us that did take the time to call prompted the video response from him.
So know that if people are cordial, then I generally am the same, but as I have said here before I don’t get paid to take mess from a wanna be internet bully… So I don’t!!!
I know this doesn’t clear up everything for you, but I thought I would help take time to change the directional flow of our conversation from a couple of months ago.
Take Care!
I went back and read every one of your posts via this thread and I’m exhausted. All I have to say is: O.K.
Well good, so hopefully now you get it . But when I read yours it felt that same way… They had to give me Smelling Salts, so I could recover!!! However, I didn’t use the word Okay.
It’s my understanding that the USCCA is supposed to send a lawyer to help me out and if possible get me out of jail and represent me in court if things were to go that far and shouldn’t because if I ever have use a firearm to keep myself or my family alive it won’t happen unless all laws of the land are followed to a tee but I don’t expect said attorney to follow me and represent me in further situations concerning the case unless I plan to pay said attorney for such work. I feel after he/she does their best to get me cleared of the deadly force / saving my own life I’m on my own .
So when little Johnny’s sobbing mother makes her plea that he was an upstanding citizen, veritable pillar of their community and portrays you as a heartless villain in a civil case for millions of dollars?
Yes, you may have been justified in self defense and putting a rabid dog down, and in a perfect society that would be the end of it.
But keep in mind, bush pilots have to watch for parents intentionally sending children onto runways so they’re struck by aircraft!!! Just so they can sue the airline or aircraft owners!
There’s too many people in this world who would love nothing more than to capitalize on a loved ones death at the hands of another! Because they know for certain if they died of natural causes the funeral would cost more than they have!
Greg132 . I READ WHAT YOU SAID. FOR YOU TO BE TRAINED SWAT. Your Addiction to anger. . IS .A. MENTAL CONDITION. And you ARE ANGRY AND. Disrespectful and rude . I SAY WHAT I FEEL . You are out of control. Grow up . Little boy. Treat your elders with respect . You SIR ARE VERY SAD RUDE . Just like a little boy . Wtf. Shut up. Pizz boy . BOBBY JEAN
@ will-b. Good point and must admit I didn’t think that far down the “ runway” about it and probably should. I stand somewhat corrected. BTW, I worked for a man for years here in Huntington and he was a great man, his name was Phillip VanHorn , well he was in WWII in the Army Air Corps and then it was the Air Force and he went to Africa for awhile in the Air Force and he said the “spooky” local tribes there would run out onto the runways as the planes we’re taking off because they believed that bad spirits were always following them and when they darted into the runway as a plane was taking off they thought that if they got real close to the plane the spirits would be killed and they wouldn’t have them following them anymore, well some made it and some didn’t lol ( I know this isn’t funny but ….) but he said he will never forget what sound it made when one of those tribesmen’s head hit the big spinning aluminum propeller wich destroyed the prop and not to say what happened to the tribesmen. When it was over they needed a new propeller and a water hose lol… sorry it’s just so crazy
In NV if you are found ‘not guilty’ in a SD you cannot be sued in CC.
Utah Law
(2) The person using force or deadly force in defense of habitation is presumed for the purpose of both civil and criminal cases to have acted reasonably and had a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or serious bodily injury if the entry or attempted entry is unlawful and is made or attempted by use of force, or in a violent and tumultuous manner, or surreptitiously or by stealth, or for the purpose of committing a felony.
That is awesome news to hear/read!!! Right on.
This right here is exactly what I did. I found the best firearm defense lawyer in the State. Then told him about the USCCA, and he signed up as an attorney and then I added him to my USCCA account as the attorney to call if I ever needed one.
Edit: I have said this before in this thread but it is hundreds of posts before this. So wanted to amplify down here what many have said before.
Sir, it wasn’t about getting anything. I was considering the topic of the thread and then I ran into your post that I initially responded to, and at some point, given your responses as well; I decided to simply go back and read all of your post so as to get the flow, and which is why after having done so, I ended with, O.K. Nothing more, nothing less; that is it, and that is all.
All Good, and the reason I replied hopefully now you get it…
Bill1.10 it does feel good to know if anyone gets hurt . Because of me defending someone . That they can get some . Kind of payment . Besides. The money that I have … I will not shoot anyone that doesn’t have a gun. So I don’t believe that I could shoot by Santander’s what I mean is no long shots. And expshely if innacent . People are there. . It’s nice to know what not to do . And what to do . Well I messed this up love Bobby Jean I gift ya a root. Beer. k
Mike 164. Thank you for being my friend and my BROTHER . You definitely deserve a Root.Beer. A.&W. FROSTY. just Like what one of my heroes says stay.FROSTY. So kool. We just say sharpen up . love ya Brother .
I taught my attorney how to defend me in an illegal arrest that took place in by luxury High Rise Building in Queens NY around 1984-85. He became my best friend , even now I can call him either to hang out or for advice on some stupid legal nonsense. I stopped a fight between my Doorman on Christmas eve, in 85 0r 86 It’s been a while. He was drinking heavily and decided he would come up and collect his bonus and have a drink with me. My buddy was a liquor distributer and very good friend, who would routinely come in and take stock of my liquor cabinet and refill as necessary. the prices were less than half the amount. Now I wasn’t a big drinker, but Larry liked doing it so I let him, plus they made good gifts. So the Doorman who was already shitfaced knew where he could get a drink.
He then decided to go visit this blonde Argentinian woman who he had been intimate with, I pleaded with him not to go, because she had just remarried for about the 4th time, but he was going. She told him to wait a minute and called 911, Black man trying to break into my house. 13 cops show up in the elevator guns drawn while i am holding him back, my gun Licensed carry permit pops out the back of my sweatshirt and all guns get pointed my way, while I am repeating license back pocket, do not shoot, They keep asking about the doorman, 'who is he" , I am losing my patience fast, it’s late and I am tired from working a 12 hour day. I see this cop pop my magazine open on k=my PPKs, nickel plated original German model pre 76. and he wants to know why I have 2 different types of rounds in there, "some of us used to "stack ammo so as to get through a barrier if there was one you had to shoot through. Now he says we want to make entry into your house and search it, now. SO now I am starting to get pissed, I tell him he knows he can’t do that so go home. H demands my other weapons, they were written on your license then, caliber serial# make. So while 13 of them wait at the door, i go and get all my stuff including ammo and retrieve it for them. They leave with Tommy the doorman.
I a now starting to think about how many laws they broke. I get in my Porsche, and drive to the station, 5 minutes from my house. They ask ne if my name is my name and cuff me and cuff me to a pipe in the locker room, 4 hours go by, no charges nothing, and I was friends with the day shift guys even the Captain had a summer house in the Hamptons next to ours. After running out of Polish jokes they arrest me and put me in a cell, CPW-4, Criminal Mischief and attempted escape from a Police station.Ok long enough, I called a wise guy “who do you call after midnight on Christmas eve, he says don’t speak we got you, someone will be down shortly. So after this gets organized the police want to drop the charges and forget it ever happened, but since they booked me they can’t. So nothing happens for a year other than I am on probation. I go to court 13 times and the ADA isn’t prepared, until I get a real judge, who says you had 1 1/2 years to read the charges, as far as I see, you idiots arrested a man for carrying his own gun that he has a permit for, case dismissed, Just like that, he says to me Son, do you think you can refrain from shooting anyone for 6 months, at which time al records from this case will be destroyed, it never happened, got it. And that was it, 2 days later everything was returned and it was over, no record exists, and my lawyer who told me you need not notify them of the arrest, was wrong and held things up 6 months, because you have to notify them regardless of the outcome, but they screwed that up also by mixing up the cases so I was able to get the cop busted down to walking a beat from UC. So do ■■■■ by the book and you will prevail…They waited so long because they had given me a choice, your guns or the lawsuit, I went to a captains hearing late at night at 1PP, and the stupid rookie who got the collar, had the case mixed up with another, so as soon as he said I had a wife who I pulled a gun on, the I interrupted again to the dismay of the Captain who said this better be good, I simply said I was never married he looked at my lawyer and Petre had nodded. Next thing he said was “you can go now”, then yelling and screaming that you could hear down to the 1st floor.Police hate citizens who Carry, remember that, they have signs all over the floor that handles this.I used to shoot against the FBI and NYPD pistol teams on a regular basis, no competition, they were terrible shots.Of course there are always a few good ones, but the majority can fix a computer better than a gun. Now Texas public Safety” Rangers, ATF snipers, DEA and special units are a different breed.Cop on the street not so much, they would rather go home, than go practice shooting, They also ruined that Nickel Walther by scribing case numbers all over it. Which is why I always say carry a glock because you don’t want to ruin a 2000 dollar 1911, for nothing.
It’s amazing how times change. No one paid any attention to the no carry if going to a club. Cops never paid for anything, or waited on lines. If you were a Detective, first thing I was told, is you don’t wait and you don’t pay . My buddy was in the newspapers every week, he shot a 600 ish pound woman who was screaming I’m going to kill you motherf—er, she took 5 rounds and dropped at his feet after chasing him with a Butcher knife and a cleaver. Did desk duty for almost a year. He was a great Detective, youngest 1st grade ever. I had to get out of there though, people were nuts, no fear divorce rate like 80%. Almost never carried off duty, when I hear these caliber discussions I think of him, everyone is different, I like 45’s but they are too large to carry around all day, so a Glock 19 with those Silver Tips work just fine, it’s the amount more that the caliber, unless you are a Musclebound monster and even then you’re going to slow down after 50.Oh I owned a World Gym also Cops Feds etc, if you can make head shots or thorax every time, then it doesn’t matter much, if you suck, same thing. I had an uncle who used a 22, swore by it. He was a gunsmith also. and Nationally ranked in 22,45 and 38, 25 feet, one hole.He passed 20 yrs ago, I still have 38’s he loaded for me. Wadcutters, opened up to an inch.