My friend and local FFL Shawn died unexpectedly died last Wednesday. He used to work at Oak Tree Gun Club and opened his own shopI’ve been a customer of his for about 7 years, when I first met him he was very busy, straight to the point, and kinda rough on the exterior. No big deal, I’ve come across lots of personalities, he was always friendly and if with someone he dedicated himself to that person completely, which I respected as when it was my turn I got the same as did everyone else. Some folks didn’t like that, especially the me first kind so they took their business elsewhere.
Fast forward to a few years ago, I needed an FFL, he did me a huge solid and didn’t take advantage of me. Since then we became friends as well and I’ve been going to to him first. He honestly cared about people, I would walk in and he’d almost always have people hanging out just talking every time.
I fortunately grew into that group and was able to see people walk in from all walks of life to come together and just talk about life as we do here. It was also good to see him always being honest and giving his opinion that would talk himself out of a sale and referring to another business. Not that he didn’t want it, it he would say I could sell it to you but I know they can get to you for cheaper, or I don’t sell it because you can build or put one together for less.
I also witnessed Shawn do what he could for the youth in the community by donating his resources to the Boy Scouts when he could, a genuine heart of gold who cared so much for people.
His wit and humor was right on point. My wife and I recently walked in together, she hadn’t been inside in years. So as I was talking, he stopped me and said hang on whose this. I said I’m sorry you’ve met before this is my better half. He then fired right back, that’s obvious now I’m sure but does your better half have a name? We all laughed and he looked up what we were shopping for and he said oh that’s ugly why would you want that? Then I said that’s the wrong model, he said oh let me try using the other side of my brain, and then he found it online. Again he said just go to, I stopped him and I said I know I can get it from them I want to buy it from you. He said just order it, have it shipped here and I’ll do the transfer, if there’s anything else do it at the same time.
I was going back in to instead buy the Springfield M1A I’ve had on my wishlist, and order a couple of lowers from Aero to replace the one I swapped for my 9mm PCC and to put together another 9mm PCC. That is when I found out he had died.
I’ve been in contact with his sister and she’s trying to keep it together, she’s now taking care of their Mom as she was living with him and he took care of her. She is also trying to take care of his affairs and making sure people that had firearms on consignment or were on the 10 day hold for purchase are taken care of in the midst of handling his last wishes.
She has started a go fund me and I’d like to please ask for anyone that may have known him to consider helping for his Mom and sisters, he truly did have an awesome smile, robust bear laugh, and a heart of gold,
If you made through reading to the end, thank you.