When in bed, where do you store your home defense pistol?

Me too. Uuuhhh, are we still talking about pistols? never mind

I have a Fort Knox pistol box that I can open fast enough. Main safe is next to my bed as well and I can access it pretty fast too. With two kids I just can’t justify leaving them out. We have a camera and notification system along with a steel security door, so we’ll know about anybody trying to get in.


On my nightstand.


Under several pillows next to my head, & far away from me “naughty bits”, in case I become a sleep-walker.

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My bride wants a pair of these. :slight_smile:

You are right about that.

I like that slider safe.

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Just bought a Vara Safety Reach 2 biometric holster. Will update on performance after it arrives and is installed.

When I had kids at home. My pistol was in a biometric box also. Keys take too long & can be discovered by nosey kids. Lol

I used to just put mine on a mouse pad (tritium) & that was that until I dropped it & of course it went waaaay under the bed

Kid in the house so mine is in a quick access safe. I also have one of those trigger guard holsters on it attached to the mounting screw. That way I can’t accidentally pull the trigger in a semi awake state while rushing to grab the pistol and flashlight so I can get to my son’s room before whoever is breaking in. Have the length set so it pops off the trigger once the gun is a few inches out of the safe. May also be a good idea for those with similar concerns who are not using safes.

I’ve been pretty lucky with mine, it has not seen any floor time :grin:

Well you’ll be happy to know I just ordered the same rig you did from Amazon and will be playing with it over the next week or so. Seems like a solid idea and wife likes it better so far so we’ll see. Thanks!


Vara Safety Reach 2. Right next to the bed. Have another mounted in the living room on the wall next to a book case hidden front plain sight. Will be getting another one for the other end of the living room. Wife works from home and her work set up is in the living room, so I want her to have access all day, no matter her location at the time of need.

Shield .380 EZ


Didnt know you could do this. I will have to check it out. I do have a landline, but it is in an undefensable location. Works OK for everyday use, if there were a break in not sure I could get to it. I can text, but often it takes an hour to days before I get a signal strong enough for the message to send.

There are two solutions here for poor cell signal.

If your phone and carrier supports wifi calling (most new phones on the major carriers do) that is the easiest. It’s just a setting in the phone to turn on.

The other option is a cell booster. You attach to your wifi/internet router and it is basically a mini cell-tower that you put in your house and supports 3G/4G/etc. You can order them from your carrier, not sure the cost. Like this one from AT&T → Say Goodbye to AT&T MicroCell - AT&T Wireless Customer Support When googling (cuz I couldn’t remember what they were called) it appears you can buy them from 3rd parties but I don’t know how effective those would be. Be careful that you get a cell signal booster and not a wifi/network booster/extender because those are different things.

I have been leaving it the nightstand . I have a couple of dogs that will bark at the slightest sounds and I’m a pretty light sleeper. I do like the design of that holster you can put between the mattress and box spring. I, going to take a look at that , it looks like a pretty good option .



I have the same issue :rofl:

very nice!!

Having dogs for that purpose alone is great. What kind of dogs do you have?