Don’t know about many others here (well, I DO KNOW some of you!)
But this is starting to get REAL! (If ya know what I mean?)
No matter what happens to these criminals they just keep pushing.
They ‘take out’ Puddin’ like he was their enemy (all for the survival of the Socialist Party) The ‘Collective’ is more important than an old jar of Puddin’.
Unceremoniously dumped at the behest of their Elite Masters.
Don’t anybody know what that means now to them?
EVERYBODIES EXPENDABLE! The Power must remain intact. If ‘Wheels up, Heals up’
and Tampon Tim don’t get it done just imagine the ‘Fire Sale’ that will happen on the 19th of this month.
“There is no “right way” to confiscate privately held firearms, even with financial compensation”.
" Here’s what Harris said: “We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program. It’s got to be smart, we got to do it the right way. But there are 5 million (assault weapons) at least, some estimate as many as 10 million, and we’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets, but doing it the right way.”
Massachusetts is on it’s way
Here’s the thing though, The Followers of the left will all say “Of Course we do…” While those on the right will say “Cold Dead Fingers…”. It’s the useful idiots in the middle that scare me. The granny that watched the news and sees the scary black gun during the news report of a gang shooting. Or the 30 something with the “Like Dude, why do you need a gun that can like you know shoot like 500 bullets in like 2 seconds?” attitude. Those are the votes that we need to try to get.
It’s these same idiots that may just see Chicago burn in (8) days.
They are truly rudderless and wrapped in their invisibility cloak
their party is in tatter’s. It’s your turn Chicago, You’re up!
I don’t think I could legally sell my guns to the government because they wouldn’t pass the background check. Criminals, all of them…
‘No Worries’ Brother .gov is not really ‘Buying them back’
This is like the British of old with their ‘Land Grab’ during the Revolution.
.Gov doesn’t ask
They just take.
Same as it ever was.
Well, they can take the Lead too.
If that’s true, then that makes the point I’ve been making for years.
The 2A doesn’t work.
We’re living the tyranny. If “Don’t Tread on Me” was meaningful, I don’t think we would be here and now, as a cackling cnt ( never used that word in my life ) could be installed in the White House!
In particular, while the world is literally on fire.
I would hope this really means what it says. The next plandemic is on the way, it’s election season!
I’m not sure…but this looks like treading…
This really isn’t very hard to wrap your brain around.
The left, the right, the Indy’s TALK…Nothing happens.
Threats are made, Assassination Attempt(s) are made
and what happens?
Nothing happens these days till something ‘Goes to far’.
A line gets crossed, one too many buildings get set a fire, or a Politico/Actor/Sh stirrer gets extremely dead.
THEN action is talked about once again
until the pile of dead Innocents is just to high and stinky to ignore !
Chicago seems like the likely spark.
Please keep in mind that the War on Poverty began in the 1960’s, the War on Drugs was started in the 1980’s, and the War on Drinking and Driving also started roughly in1980.
Which of these wars have been won?
Now the powers-that-be are jonesing to resurrect the War on Guns.
They’re chasing unicorns, but they’ll likely garner virulent supporters along the way.
Stay strong and alert, but don’t be tempted to wrestle the pig.
Notice how all of those f*cking useless cowards, oh wait peaceful protesters has a mask on. So pure in their ideological Karenhood. If you have to hide your identity while exercising your freedom (which is protected by people who believe in that symbol they are burning) you know you are wrong. Total cowards.
At least we’ll know who they are when they show up at the polls!
I’m no epidemiologist, but even without the mask,
I’m sure I’ll recognize the traitors/lepers.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? None?
These particular ‘Wars’ are not meant to be WON. They are meant to ‘Restrict’ US!
PAUL! It’s Your turn! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy Anniversary!! Happyyyyyyyy Anniversary! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy Ann-i-versary Brother!
Non compliance is what they will get from me. Make my firearms illegal…I’m gonna live large being a criminal.