What’s behind the violence? There isn’t one clear-cut easy answer. The article below on the recent thwarted shooting in Dallas has an interesting link to insight into a subculture of hate.
Subculture link:
Now, this subculture isn’t the only one out there, but the insight was fascinating and slightly terrifying to me.
What other subcultures are you starting to hear about?
The violence is multifactorial. I don’t think you can isolate one cause, which is why you can’t isolate one fix to it. I grieve for the officer’s family in Sacramento who was killed last night, while at the same time recognizing that California has draconian gun laws that do nothing to stop crime or shootings. I don’t know much about subcultures, but what I do know is that people who are going to be violent tend to be violent only when they are either (1) trapped and see no way out; or (2) are linked with others that they think have their back.
Thanks for sharing that, @Sheepdog556! I hadn’t seen that. I’m still trying to get through On Combat, but keep getting pulled into other books for work.
@Sheepdog556 I hadn’t thought to go look for videos by LtCol Grossman… I will now.
I found his books profound, and they remain on my re-read list - probably will go back to them several more times.
I think the issues he covers regarding what increased the shoot-rate and decreased the no-shoot rate and the shoot-to-miss rate in the military are seminal. An extremely important part of that is the use of governors in the training process - who’s making the decisions, who’s controlling the shoot/don’t shoot switch as a part of building the building-in of autonomic no-thought-required trigger pull.
In children and the young adults they become, impulse control and rational thinking are not fully developed - maybe not until well into their 20s for some people. Because of that, and lack of life experience, and different levels of dopamine and serotonin in youths vs adults, the opportunity to condition youngsters to take irrevocable action based on poor decisions is greater than it is with adults. Neurology that is wired in by repetition as your brain is forming is harder to address than that acquired as an adult where your brain is already fully formed. Especially because of this I think its critical to raise children in an environment where close bonds are made, empathy can be developed, consideration for others built in, and respect for those with the rightful duty and actual capacity to guide and teach is learned.
Its a challenging problem, and it’s got societal, school, and family facets. Some of those things I can influence, some not so much, and that’s scary.
That is the seminar that pushed me from casually carrying to everywhere everyday and change my mindset and make this lifestyle a serious commitment.
Bad guys just simply knowing that it’s a possibility of resistance will avoid committing a violent act. We will never know how many times a bad guy might notice a bulge on a waistband and decide to move on.