What will the Home Front look like if WW3 doesn't go nuclear?

Maybe it’s already started.
Your guess is as good as mine.
The tyrants of the world seem hell bent on starting a rumble if they haven’t already.


Seems to me that it’s a lot of trash talking coming from some pretty weak opponents. NK has nothing, Iran has nothing, Russia is quickly running out of everything, Hamas wants Israel to just stop, China seems to be the only one to worry much about but they are so intertwined with the American economy that it would be economic suicide for them to do anything.


Im not as concerned about what will happen overseas as much as what will happen within our borders. Biden has allowed god knows what to enter this country unchecked and roam8ng freely about. Terror cells waiting for a “Go” signal and liberal pundits willing to blame it on conservative gun owners.


Non nuclear WWIII?

Well, the instigators around the world and within our own borders have sown the seeds of division.

Full engagement into a conventional WWIII by the USA could very well be the spark of civil war at home.

This is especially why we need to heal the rifts here at home first and foremost!

If we fracture internally during a global conflict, we will fall as a whole.


World War has already started, again. If you wish to keep up with future events, and not just current events, read God’s Word, it’s all in there, and yes, of course Nukes will fly, the Earth was destroyed by water, and prophecy states that it will be destroyed by fire next time, that’s setting the atmosphere on fire kind-of-stuff. Look, these narcissistic leaders have to take their toys off the shelf one day and use them, these are Godless persons who fear nothing, including the One true God, therefore, they have no knowledge, because all knowledge starts with the fear of the Lord. That is His authority and Lordship, yes, Nukes will be used in the coming last world war.


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Wphew! Ding!
Nailed it Brother, The GREATEST THREAT is Internal.
Every Country I have fought in has DIED because of Internal Strife/Conflict.
(Then of course the wonderful .gov sent US in!)
If WE THE PEOPLE allow the Extreme Left to get away with anymore Bullsh!t (Like RESISTING ICE, Impeding LAWFUL Deportations, Withholding Federal dollars, Succeeding from the Country etc)
We should oust them from Public Office forever.
If WE let folk’s THREATEN any incoming administrators we should step on their throats !
These folk’s are just trying to FIX what the Left destroyed! They have NO Secret Service Protection (yet)
No army of Bodyguards and the Leftists are threating Women and Children===are they INSANE? (YES!)

My Opinion Only is Civil War is still on the table because THEY LOST! (Not an ACTUAL Civil War) but disruptions, Black Swan events, Assassination attempts (Think I’m crazy? They tried twice already)


The problem is that if our Proxy war against Russia turns into direct conflict the chances of it going nuclear at some point increase dramatically. They are already the highest they have been since the Cuban Missile Crises.

It only takes one misidentification of a conventional ballistic missile for a nuclear one to turn the global calendar to nuclear winter in less than 30 minutes. Not to mention that Russia has now shifted their policy to match the U.S. to allow for nuclear first strikes. Is either side going to refrain from using their most powerful weapons if they start to suffer unsustainable losses? This is a very dangerous game our leaders are playing.

If the conflict by some miracle doesn’t go nuclear I would expect China to take advantage of the distractions in Europe to make their move on Taiwan. That would instantly shut off our access to vital products from both Taiwan and China. Along with all the electronics, other tech, basic parts, etc. China supplies something like 90% of our medicines and most of our rare earth metals. Our economy would grind to a halt. Suspect there would be a ton of social unrest here both due to the reinstatement of the draft and difficulties in acquiring basic needs.

And none of that takes into account the likelihood of asymmetrical warfare. China, Russia, Iran and likely other nations have the ability to significantly impair, if not completely take out, our electric grid and other infrastructure with the push of a button. In which case the Home Front will quickly begin to look like a scene from The Walking Dead.


There is no “heal the rift here at home” possible. The left is pissed that Trump won. The only way to fix this, in their minds, is to nullify the election and install their candidate. Short of that, the left will continue their unhinged temper tantrum. I don’t think this will become a full fledged civil war, but the left will incite violence, and people are going to die.


I think that is a possibility. The behind the scenes puppet masters might just be playing it cool right now but come January may choose to incite the Left leaning masses in order to try and force Trump to call out the military and play into the fascist labels they keep hanging on his neck.

But the smarter move by the puppet masters/ military industrial complex would be to just stop using the fuzzy and fake economic math that hides from the masses the fact that our country is completely bankrupt and our economy is floating entirely on Monopoly money inflated bubbles. They can then let “outsider” Trump take the fall for the past several decades of their corrupt and criminal actions as the economy officially falls into recession and depression. Then they can choose their own hand picked, more predictably controllable “savior” in four years to take away the last of our freedoms. They may have even learned their lesson this time around that they need to choose a more plausibly competent puppet than someone like Harris.


If WW3 does not go nuclear, there will be a home front.

If WW3 does go nuclear, there will be no home fronts at all (either country), they will cease to exist, but barren wasteland.

The few who survive (we the new homeless), we’d be trying to walk on our sore feet into Mexico or Canada. We think the USA limits our freedoms? Can you imagine living in Mexico or Canada, even legally? No thank you.

There is no way one country can beat or get the drop on another, remember - each have thousands of nuclear bombs. One outcome - each destroy each other.

Like grown ups, some in each country have to be mature, and talk with the other country to create a truce.

May we ask our leaders to please do that.

I’m sure it’s complicated, but imagine negotiation, ie “What’s it really gonna take for you to stop doing this, we will give you this, if you stop this, we will stop this as well” - kinda scenario, a give and take. No one will be happy, no result ideal, but we can still each have our “home fronts”. Isn’t that the most important?

Peace, please.


it won’t be nuclear it will be biological think about it covid was just a test run on something bigger.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: This is what WW3 gonna be
@Randy154 chose wisely


A fight with any of them would hurt us also economicly. Don’t cut NK short we didn’t beat them the first go around the conflick as they want to call it never ended it is still just a ceasefire.


There is no WW III coming our way now that the world leaders know someone is coming into the White Hiuse in 2 months who is smart enough to work with and respect. And this is regardless of how hard ■■■■-in-his-pants tries to get there. His administration is trying as hard as they can to leave the biggest mess possible on their way out.

China just freed 3 prisoners they’ve been holding for years after a few conversations with Trump, Biden is trying to take credit for it. Hezbolah has announced they are willing to stop fighting and work out a deal, Biden is trying to take credit for that too.

Putin is just biding his time with small in-kind responses and threats to Ukraine waiting for their checkbook to dry out so Putin can negotiate a real deal with the USA instead of the shirt-dick-stand-up comedian running Ukraine. The rest of NATO will just shut up and do whatever Trump wants to do.

We are on pause for the holiday’s…


Funny you would say that, just this morning a couple of us old Soviet Union era Vets were talking about how Now would be the time to attack. Americans are so deeply attached to their holidays, time off, family time away from the office so to speak. Are we in a weakened stance on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas day?


You wouldn’t know that from my family experiences. I can’t remember many (any?) year of her 10 year AF career when my daughter and her then boyfriend/fiancee (both AFSOC) spent the Holidays at home.

She, and later they, lived with big go-bags parked by the front door and the few times when we thought we’d get a break there was always a last minute trip to places they couldn’t tell me about.


Just what we need… a fabricated national security crisis that creates another forever war and the military establishment and contractors feeding from the public trough. Of course, it would be funded with money we print/borrow, but what’s another trillion or more dollars added to the $36 trillion national debt – all paid for with more inflation.


Rest easy, we’re still at DECOM 3.

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You are wise beyond your years Sir
Every body chill please. The MAN is in CONTROL, THAT is who is in the Big Chair folk’s.
Prepare for a MASSIVE DEPORTATION, Blue city Mayor’s and Governor’s either capitulating
or gettin’ arrested. The Red WAVE is here and HUNGRY. Either get on top of the wave or get sucked under!



If the Cold War was 1947 through 1991. Have we been in a second Cold War?; If so, what year did it start and what were the major events which lead it? In case any history buffs/teachers here.

Anyone remember that film series, “The Americans” (FX Channel, 2013 to 2018)? Which was based on Russian KGB spies living and working in the USA, during the Cold War. Fascinating.

As someone pointed out, we had our own U.S. spies living in Russia at the time as well.