what vets are furious

as far as me and my veteran brothers, are concerned we don’t really see a problem with it. must have to have a D behind your name. yes it isn’t proper but, neither is DJT.


Lies and the lying liars that tell them. :roll_eyes:


Nobody I know of at the local VFW have issue with what he did even the ones that say they won’t vote for him don’t have a issue.


“O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!”
From “Marmion: A tale of Flodden Field” by Sir Walter Scott.


same here my VFW has over 500 active members. and I haven’t heard a single bad thing


The families that he was there to honor and support AT THEIR INVITATION, wanted the pictures!!! manufactured outrage pandering to the lower 40% of the Bell Curve that have already decided to vote against the mean guy.

BTW I took about a million pictures t Arlington. NO ONE asked me what the purpose was.


Veterans are one of my last places I can go to get away from the rampant TDS and I’m not a Republican. I may seem like one because I defend Trump. But I defend Trump because of what is being done to him. It’s 3rd World Banana Republic type stuff. I am listed as a Republican because you have to be, to be able to vote in the lead up choosing of Candidates. But I have voted for Democrats, I have voted for Republicans because of issues that they stood for. Not because of the D or R next to their names. I’ve even wrote in voted most notably in 2008 and in 2016. I wanted to vote for John McCain but I could not abide some of his decisions during his campaign. I just didn’t know enough about Trump politically in 2016 and there is no way I’m voting for a Clinton or a Clinton supported Candidate. But this world has gone mad.