What if you're not the first to call after a self-defense incident?


We’re the good guys. We are honest, we follow the laws, we do what’s right, we help people, we were born to protect. And we tend to think everyone else is too, until they’re not…

Bad guys know how to play the system and, if they haven’t disappeared from the scene, will give the police false information. They may even pretend to be the victim.

What steps are you going to take to ensure the police know you’re the good guy?


Good information…

Win the race to 911, keep your cool!


Set up my phone home screen with 1-touch dial to both 911 and the USCCA.


Glad you would call them in that order. Please call the police first - always. We’ll be here after you’re done calling 911.

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I believe there is a change in American Ethic that has just about every response team, including customer service in a fortune 500 company, purposefully handling patrons not necessarily regarding the truth of an incident, issue or complaint as the prevailing factor. It’s about self propagation and what is more profitable, easy, less time consuming, or a way to shed burden for the entity. This, unfortunately, includes the way police handle an incident not necessarily for truth, justice, or adherence to law; but rather, what is more beneficial for their department politically, and budgetarily.

My own experience exemplified this on two occasions now regarding traffic citations. The truth was found out and I just expected it to prevail; however, it matters how much you argue and lobby with police during an incident.