That’s like a Gatling flamethrower!
Sounded exactly like a sub electronic machine gun. What got me is it sounded like an Apache Attack helicopters blades ( much lighter and faster) than a Chinook’s.
Thing is the aircraft was flying forwards firing backwards at a speed that would not let a chopper fly backwards.
So I’m thinking a gun mounted in/ on a UH-60 Blackhawk with a rear capable swivel or rotating arm or the rotating arm under an Apache’s nose?
I agree this could be something to observe but it could also be a qualifying run for flight crews.
Honestly, I suspect the fires have been started by protestors to reach out to the outlying areas of cities to burn the “Privileged” , and to detract the cities abilities to stop the next major burn out riot being planned.
I don’t know honestly it’s just an educated hunch.
I think on one or two of the ‘bursts’ youbcan see a stream/mist discharged prior to an ignition event.
Cool stuff.
Faster way and safer way to start a back fire. A back fire is a controlled burn that will eliminate fuel for the oncoming fire. We used to just use road flares and we would have to cover a large area in a short time, so, that would be a lot better than the way we used to do it.
I have a hornts nest the size of two basket balls hanging in a tree. I need. Flamethrower enabled drone…
@Greg35 Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.
It’s my understanding that the strategy of controlled burning has been used to reduce wildfires for years: “Controlled Burning” from USDA Forest Service
Interesting anecdotes…
When I was visiting Palawan, I spoke with a non-profit group that was trying to teach locals to use more environmental-friendly fishing and farming techniques. Some things that were being discouraged were setting fire to entire islands to grow a small area of rice for a year or two then moving to another island, and using cyanide when spear fishing for groupers.
When I was in highschool, my Biology teacher told us he set fire to his lawn every so often for better something or other… I don’t remember the details.
Crazy days…!!!
‘Nothing to see here…Ignore the man behind the curtain’
Because… ‘We’re Off To See The Wizard…’
(And we all know who plays the bad witch…)