West Hollywood votes to reduce Los Angeles County sheriff funding amid crime wave

West Hollywood votes to reduce Los Angeles County sheriff funding amid crime wave | Fox News

And they’ll be begging for the sheriff to come back in a year. Betcha!

Simply unreal!


Who cares. Let it burn. The place is a hole. They can start over once the ashes cool.


Once again, Zippys bizarro world.

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I swear to god it’s something in the water… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


If there were any repercussions, they would act human.

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The money is going to employed unarmed councilors who will walk beats in West Hollywood.
This is going to get interesting :smirk:

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A number of people stand with Ukraine. I am having a hard time with turning our backs on American land.


These residents aren’t acting even remotely like Americans, but they want all that America offers. They can’t play both sides. Ship all of the rioters, protesters, and illegal aliens there and then wall it off.

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Thanks for sharing this. I have a couple of thoughts.

First, on Ukraine: When freedom and democracy are under attack anywhere, it is under attack everywhere. If we stay on the sidelines when thugs like Vladimir Putin destroy a neighboring country that was absolutely no threat to Russia, freedom suffers everywhere. While we may not like the Ukrainian implementation of democracy, we still must stand by them. Otherwise, we could be next.

Second, on “turning our backs”: I assume this is in reference to the people in West Hollywood, foolishly, I believe, deciding they don’t want the LA sheriff helping maintain law and order in their community. I think that’s a really dumb move. But then that’s the beauty of our democratic/republican form of freedom - we get to choose for ourselves. So if the wacky people in West Hollywood want to let their city burn to the ground, that’s their choice to make in our free and democratic system. They are equally free to foot the bill when and if they want to rebuild “once the ashes cool”.

Freedom and democracy allows dumb and dumber to flourish right alongside smart and smarter.

So goes the theory. In practice, once they get ahold of the power, they won’t release it. There is a movie about it, “1000 Zebras” or something. As far as rebuilding from ashes, look at Detroit. This is not exactly a reversible process.

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So you do not believe in standing with those in the USA whose Democracy and property and lives are being destroyed by others here in the USA, as that’s the choice of those being oppressed have made? Yet you believe in sending arms and boatloads of cash to “stand with Ukraine”?

When freedom is gone here it is GONE EVERYWHERE.