Actually, She’s not the one who will be raiding your home.
Your local cop will.
I know of a few sheriffs that have said they wouldn’t enforce that law. One down in FL, one in NM or AZ and I can think of a few here in KY that wouldn’t either. A lot know they would be out gunned too and want no part of it.
This was her quote in the debate with Trump.
“This business about taking everyone’s guns away, Tim Walz and I are both gun owners,” Harris said during the debatehosted by ABC News. “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away.”
She says anything that she y thinks her audience wants to hear. Flipping from prior statements years ago; and then reverts to that by saying she has not changed her values. Meaning that she is a hypocrite. WARNING​:bangbang: She is a lier!
I don’t care what she says. Only what she does.
Trusting anything any politician anywhere says is not an option for me.
Politicians don’t work like that. They won’t just come through the front door with a battering ram. They always come with smiles, with their hands reaching out, claiming they want to help you. Their little henchmen in the FBI, CIA engineer all the school shootings and bombings and other disasters, for example, then the cops swoop in and pretend to be the heroes, standing outside the building hiding while the body count climbs to a siginificant number. Reference: Uvalde, TX. The politicians create the conditions necessary for a gun confiscation. The cops are the little dirty workers who will collect the guns from you when the time comes.
It’s just a big gang, racketeering, a protection racket. That’s all this is anymore.
True, there are some Constitutional sheriffs about who will not comply and not enforce crooked law. I’ve met some of them at meetings and listened to them.
The sheriffs are the last thing standing between us and the Federals. But if your sheriff is one who will cede jurisdiction to the Federals – you’re screwed.
I can’t resist say,”yeah but see grew up in a middle class family “
The perfect takeaway from the Clown Circus , Show!
She doesn’t know what she is or isn’t going to do the people with the purse strings are not telling her yet. As far as coming and taking the guns she may give the order but I know alot of LEO from Texas and Florida that have said they would never follow that order they swore to uphold the Constitution.
How do you spell “idle threat”¿
I love the system of County Sheriff’s being elected by the citizens of their county.
Important takeaway is that they are not political appointees beholding their position to any politician.
Most are supporting 2A, and the whole Constitution stating that they are not partaking in disarming its citizens.
That is for sure a true statement…She and The Waltz will not come to take your guns…she did not say that the sheriff,ATF,FBI, NSA, or some other 3 letter organization would not knock on you door. I have seen her in her own words say that she wants to band assault weapons …also "just because you legally own a gun DOESN’T mean the we can’t come into your home and insure that you are storing the correctly. So how do they know what guns you have???
Yeah i saw that too. I cannot imagine anyone having the power to get enough people that will disarm law abiding Americans.
I think she is talking about guns so we don’t think about all the other stuff she is doing like Israel and the border. Or boarders
And so does Tweety.
harris/walt are just part of the blue dog nazi socialist regime. they don’t belive in the constitution or the bill of rights.
mighty big gun there Tweety!!!
True, she said that but her past statements and actions give this statement the status of a bald faced lie.
Besides, at the time she said these lines, her very next line was “but we have to ban assault weapons…” You have to look at the big picture instead of accepting the dialogue at face value.
Which, it seems to me, to be the healthier position to take…
She did say she’s not taking Anybody’s guns away. Probably true, if your name is Anybody. However, the rest of us that have names, we’re screwed!