Gang related? Amazing, for years they wouldn’t even use the ‘G’ word now it seems they have to acknowledge we may in fact have a gang problem here in The Land of Zion.
Mag dump, through his windshield, with kids in his car, while driving, in town, because of an argument at an intersection? I’m going to submit this article to Webster as the definition of “An Irresponsible Gun Owner”.
I have to agree with you that we as responsible gun owners will be lumped in with the idiots and non-law abiding gun owners in the eyes of the miss informed useful idiots.
I had to correct a friend last weekend for using the word homeless. I said, “unhoused.”
Of course I was being sarcastic.
On the way home, I told my wife, this is called many things
Feces, excrement, crap
@Mike164 Next thing the Gun Owners will be known as “Gung Members”. Gang Members and Gung Members are the reason why we have gun problems in America, and I will BAN ALL ASSAULT WEAPONS for the safety of the children , says Kamala (( ) / Walz ( ) Organization.