We’re on the verge of this whole going “hot”. The days of political disagreement that I grew up with are gone. Now, as the Dems have alluded to, if you don’t agree with them you belong in a re-education camp, or worse. Kerry talking about abolishing the constitution if you don’t agree with his lies, the truth is disinformation. Violence is replacing civil disagreement. It’s not going to get better. Their opposition has been impeached, falsely accused, and the target of assassins. Voter rolls falsified, elections tampered. When the outrage hits its point of no return, watch out. It coming, and quickly. All I can say is be prepared and hang on tight! It’s gonna be a real ride!
Be responsibly armed and situationally aware.
I sure hope you’re thinking of a Sun Tzu strategy?
- When able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive…WELL WE ARE INACTIVE.
Because the waiting by the River part is not working! We’ve been patient too long , the enemy is in the perimeter and is recruiting from within!
So, you think its a different day. We need to be prepared. We need to be ready to get it on.
Think about this, less than 25% of Gun Owners VOTE!
The earlier you VOTE, the more resources can go to get Low Propensity voters to the polls.
God Bless America.
@Drew29 Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you with us.
welcome to the fold
I’ve been saying this for years and years now but we let it all happen, it’s much easier to keep your house clean than have to run and throw junk in the closet when someone knocks. Meaning like back in the 90s we were not paying attention and things were happening so fast we just didn’t care because “ that ain’t gonna happen here “ was our attitude. Like when that ( fill in your own blank) woman got a cup of coffee at McDonalds and she ordered a hot coffee and it says “ caution hot” all over the cup and she spills it on herself and a month later she’s a millionaire and we shake our head and chuckle and say with a smile “ what will happen next ha ha haa” ,well WE’RE LIVING IT this is what happens next! And we let it happen, and much much more!
Oh and I almost forgot and we can thank blood sucking lawyers encouraging people to sue for a huge chunk of the problems, they should be hanged , drawn and quartered! 95% of them anyway.
Welcome to the community!
Welcome, Sir!
No one is really sure if there ever Sun Tzu ever really existed and it could really be things taken from several writings of different Asian warriors. But it’s really just a bunch of common sense not some big complicated stragetys like basically don’t play into your opponents hand, and like it’s always best to hold the high ground, try to surprise your enemies and don’t telegraph your attacks, study your opponents tactics as much as possible and bla bla bla, not really a big thing but like most things if it sounds or looks cool it flies. IMHO
Welcome, Drew29! Glad to have you on board and we hope that you enjoy the community