Walking into 2021

Anyone else worried about this?


We all should be worried about it… the way the treasonous SCOTUS is going there will be no Constitution…


I told some friends on 1/1/2021 that it doesnt feel like New Year’s yet, that there is too much up in the air, too much question regarding the direction of the country. Now, after yesterday, I know what kind of year (4 at least) it is going to be. Yesterday I am marking as the end of the Republic as we know it. Congress voted last night to certify the results of a fraudulently elected Biden. And its more than just our firearms. It is the continuation of transforming this country into a socialist country. And the rest of the world cant wait to watch the US slide into further decline. Migrants Stampede Border Chanting "Biden!" | Charlie Kirk


Here is some more that we might expect from the ANTI-GUNNERS/SOCIALISTS NOW RUNNING THE COUNTRY.


Lord help us, we are in true trouble now. Bloomberg, Soros and others are chipping away at our freedoms.


More like they will be hacking and furiously ripping!


Reminds me of the folks that were here before us. Indians just give us your guns we’ll take care of you, trust us, it’ll be okay…




Where did they commit treason?


Makes you wonder if it is 2021 or 2020 WON!




  1. the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Seems pretty clear based on the definition. Trying to force our legislators to change the outcome of a proven free and fair election.

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How and where was that done? The only thing accomplished by Antifa entering our Capitol building was to smear people on the right by disrupting the vote, which eventually did occur. So how was the election result changed or attempted? Trump told everyone to leave. They did. Recall what happened when Trump was elected, his inauguration, and the past 4 years? That certainly meets the definition of treason as described in our Constitution.

Clause 1. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open court.


Glad to hear you confirm Trump leads Antifa. Make no mistake this was a violent attack on our legislators. Seems like levying war against their own country.

He does? Where did I state that? You have any sources as proof?


No doubt we should all be worried. Just this last week multiple gun control prebills hit the House floor. Parler is getting shut down and many conservatives are under fire from cancel culture.

The regime is pushing hard and they are wasting no time.


Trump does not control antifa. George Soros controls antifa. Anyone would be crazy to think Trump controls antiva.

Literally George Soros has blatantly said that he has paid operatives from antifa.

@Eric163 that’s the nuttiest thing I’ve ever heard.


Hmmm Here’s the part I like. An org run by marxist, burns buildings, murders people, destroys property, looters everywhere, takes over apart of the city & that’s mostly peaceful. Some dumbasses break into our capital, didn’t burn it, didn’t take it over, didn’t murder anyone, didn’t spray paint slogans all over it & we’re all to blame for that. Yes there was things destroyed & stolen. A couple hundred thousand folks outside not being illegal. If they wanted to overtake the capitol it would have been easy. Media is bs.


Yes, dark money from people like Soros controls Antifa. Even a child could recognize the m.o. of the thugs who entered the sacred Capital. I am new to USCCA and this Community - there may be pictures on this website like were sent to me showing the thugs to be Antifa, for example, showing them inside the Capital and at BLM demonstration back in the summer. One close-up showed the tattoos including one man with a hammer and sickle on the back of his hand. No doubt, Antifa and their minions, backed by dark money, planned and executed this invasion of the Capital. And no doubt, some of the President’s supporters were caught up in this, believing that the Capital had been opened up, so they entered to peacefully see the awesome displays representing freedom and liberty.


Great video, thanks!! Poorly informed and biased people like him will, unfortunately, never understand that true gun control means hitting your target. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for these wealthy people to use some of their money, like Elon Musk is doing, for example, to support organizations like Dave Portnoy’s Barstool Sports to help struggling businesses who are being crushed by leftist mayors and governors with their ineffective shut-downs? Hopefully, some will - I am not betting the this man, though. Seriously, as we all know, this rhetoric and prescribed actions are terrifying. Keep your powder dry… Pray and lobby this new Congress plus any local leaders.