Uscca & sra

Just saw a Facebook post saying USCCA has entered into a relationship with SRA (Socialist Rifle Association). I had never heard of SRA, but find their profile info on Facebook to be concerning. What is going on, and who are these folks?


A Facebook post by whom?


It was a shared post on the Texas Concealed Carry Facebook page by the Socialist Rifle Association.

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The Socialist Rifle Association (SRA) is claiming on several social media outlets to be affiliated with the USCCA. While the USCCA is not a political organization and has offered group discounts to many different groups around the country, the SRA is not an affiliate or official partner, nor is the group working in any official or unofficial capacity with the USCCA. Any affiliate agreement they may have had with the USCCA is revoked.

To be clear, the USCCA condemns in the strongest possible terms many of the positions held and advocated by the SRA, especially the group’s support for the political ideology of Socialism.

At its core, the SRA is an organization founded on an ideology opposed to free-market capitalism, which is a foundational pillar and inherent core value of the USCCA. This opposition to the economic freedoms of Americans is uncompromisingly at odds with what the USCCA stands for as an organization that staunchly supports the principle of freedom. SRA also adheres to discriminatory beliefs. The group is prejudicial toward individual Americans based on a number of factors and has shown disdain for our nation’s law enforcement professionals.

The USCCA stands opposed to Socialism because:

  • Socialism forbids the right of private property. All property is thus subject to the tragedy of the commons.
  • Socialism insists that human nature is malleable, not constant.
  • Socialism depends upon dictatorship to attain and remain in power.
  • Socialism removes incentive and leads people and economies to the lowest common denominator.
  • Socialism embraces oppression and government control of commerce and expression.
  • Socialism is responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million victims worldwide.

The USCCA will always stand for and defend freedom, and this group is free to speak, peacefully assemble, and bear arms. But we at the USCCA, operating in a free-market economy, choose not to support or do business with those who declare themselves opposed to that free-market economy.

Our goal at the USCCA is to provide the best possible education and training to anyone who chooses to defend themselves and we believe the rights, granted by God and protected by our Constitution, apply to all. But we are absolutely opposed to many of the positions presented by the SRA and do not support them.


Quite simply it’s a lie probably posted by someone who wanted to take a shot at the USCCA.


Dawn, just to ask, your response is very balanced and well considered; if you or the USCCA were to find the complete body of your statement circulated publically and with proper citations, would that be O.K. with the Company (and You)?

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I believe we have a few people circulating it on the posts we’ve seen. If you’d like to direct people to this thread, I’m good with that.


Thanks for clarifying USCCA’s position. I thought that post of theirs did not smell right.


Glad you cleared this up Dawn. Thank You!


I’m incredibly disappointed to hear this. I’m not a USCCA member in part because I always assumed USCCA like the NRA was very much a right wing org opposed to the anyone who identified with the left owning guns and thus very limited in their gun rights advocacy which your post only confirms. It’s like the Mulford Act all over again.

Never heard of the SRA but completely against it. I highly doubt the USCCA would ever support an organization advocating Socialism. Also appreciate Dawn explaining USCCAs official stance.


@MarxWasProGun, the USCCA has a lot of liberal members. We believe everyone has the right to self-defense.

I think the last paragraph of the statement above speaks to why we are not affiliated with the SRA:
Our goal at the USCCA is to provide the best possible education and training to anyone who chooses to defend themselves and we believe the rights, granted by God and protected by our Constitution, apply to all. But we are absolutely opposed to many of the positions presented by the SRA and do not support them.


“Balanced and well considered” - as it absolutely should be. Add “clear and in it’s entirety”- as it absolutely should be.

There seems to be an implication in your response kthat the USCCA’s position leaves something unclear or that this particular torch should be carried by it’s members.

The last paragraph is crystal clear, and as supporters of the Second Amendment each and every member should be good with that. We don’t need to defend that position. Let the USCCA do any work that’s required rather than us.

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With a quick search, I found this:
Monday, August 26th, 2019: the Socialist Rifle Association (SRA) entered into an affiliate agreement with the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) to provide discounted insurance memberships to SRA members and allow the SRA to collect commission through affiliate links.

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019: the USCCA emailed the SRA to announce an end to this affiliation. This was unanticipated by the leadership of the SRA, but unfortunately is not the first time this has happened to the organization. However, the conditions causing separation show a worrying sequence of events on the part of the USCCA and how they handled our new, mutually-agreed affiliation.

It also cited what Dawn stated about Socialism.,promised%20to%20get%20to%20the%20bottom%20of%20it.