Quite funny how Union leaders think their endorsement is so important. I have been a union member of a couple of different unions. One thing I discovered years ago. If they were to take an actual count they would find the rank and file almost never votes for who they endorse. certainly not at least most who I know. The real issues we face are simple we don’t have a political issue we have many that have a heart issue. The constitution was written for reason if all sides would stop trying to beat it We the people would be far better off. Remember no matter what they think they work for us and that includes the union leaders they are nothing more than our employees , that goes for polititions as well Thoughts?
Teamsters for 23 years here.
I admit I bought the “hope” , but not because of any endorsement… just stupidity.
Not a chance I’ll vote for Kamunist Harris / great Walz of China ticket this year!
Inflated Egos.
You know I remember the last time there was the happy warrior and hope candidate. About 6 months in with all of the hope and change stuff, the number one selling
T-shirts down at the Gulf. Was with a George W. Bush asking "How’s that hopey changey thing working out for you. Ever since then, starts singing about being a candidate for hope and change I put my hand on my wallet cause I know it’s about to get expensive. Hope and change my azz
I did some maintenance work in a Postal Distribution Center a few years back. It was interesting listening to the Post Office employees talking about what to do about that. The union wanted everyone to vote for Gore and they all wanted to vote for Bush. Like you said, the union wasn’t going to get their way on that election.
Remember no matter who we voted for our ballots are secret. What matters is the people. The politicians are going to do what the people want not what the people who voted for them want. The ball is in our court. The more people in favor of being responsibly armed the better. Unless I totally missed the point. Then never mind.