I have a friend who drives a tow truck here in Oregon
I helped him get squared up with body armor and now I’m trying to get him squared up with carrying while on the job.
Biggest problem for him, his record needs some cleaning up which has been taking time and the rest money for the last bit he cant afford.
His record was recently cleaned up enough so he can purchase guns again but presently, he can only carry openly and cant get a concealed carry permit.
He is usually well up to date on what can and cant be done, I was thinking of maybe a speed vault to keep one locked in his work truck on the drivers side but from what I see, this could be concealed carry (but maybe a work around due to no other vehicle storage places).
I would like for him to be able to carry as a means of being safer and so would his wife but I dont know if anything can be done given his circumstances.
Any input would be appreciated.