Traveling from MA to VT with MA LTC

I am, in a month, traveling to VT from MA. I have a LTC out of MA. Would that be enough for me to conceal my firearm while traveling while in NH and VT?

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Last I checked VT was still “constitutional carry” so you should be good to go with or without your MA license. Though having the license with you could possibly smooth over some LEO encounters. Many do t realize that VT was actually the original constitutional carry state long before anyone used that terminology.

But it appears that the anti self defense crowd has been making inroads in VT in the decade plus since I last lived there so you should definitely review VT laws to make sure you are following them while you are there. I believe they now have magazine capacity limits now for instance. Though likely not any more restrictive than MA.


Yes Vermont is constitutional carry state. In fact they do not even issue permits!

They do have a magazine limit, I believe it is 15 rounds. But that won’t bother a Mass boy.

Check USCCA but I’m unaware of any other laws you need to be concerned about.


NH is Constitutional Carry, as well,


Pardon my California ignorance.

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Go here to see the handgun laws across our nation. Click on VT to download the .pdf of VT laws.


Concealed or open as long as you aren’t in a “gun free zone” and can legally posses a firearm.

Until a few years ago VT used to have the least restrictive firearms laws in the Nation. The only downside is they don’t issue any licenses so you need an out of state license to gain reciprocity. Unfortunately some states don’t recognize non resident licenses.