I wasn’t passing any personal judgements. Just stating that news media makes its money on spreading fear not facts. Our justice system is becoming more flawed but it is still putting a lot of people behind bars.
I won’t lose one second of sleep over some scumbag rapist getting stabbed to death. But if we willingly ignore the constitutionally protected rights of people we consider to be scumbags it becomes a lot easier for others to ignore the constitutionally protected rights of anyone they view as scumbags. That is how otherwise law abiding people get thrown in jail or worse without due process. It is how dictatorships and communist countries operate.
Our justice system relies on the concept of innocent until proven guilty. It sucks when guilty people go free. Especially when corrupt DAs or misinformed juries ignore the law to do it. But it sucks more when innocent people pay for crimes they didn’t do.
I understand “my” anger. I could go to the punching bag and work it all out, but the deaths are going to keep on coming!
That is the logic that Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot, etc. lived by.
The government is enabling criminals by letting them loose way early…that’s even if they get convicted by a jury.These days some purple haired it is deciding our fate in court.Whats does it takes to change it? The cops hands are tied…the judges and prosecutor are liberals protecting these citizens rights. Maybe a little on site justice is what this stupid perverse world needs for a change. Tell you what, you wouldn’t want to be raping someone and I happen along…
Post deleted by me.
Reason and Sanity Returned
Apologies Shamrock.
A dog in my neighborhood bites a little girl on the ankle and the dog is swiftly put down!
In that case save the dogs! They are AMERICAN DOGS, the ones coming across that border, hunting deserve everything they get. And I’m not talking about $600,000 dollar condo units.
Have to admit, it’s pretty sick what’s going on!
Some days I feel like a sitting duck!
When it breaks, the Civil War will seem like a Taylor Swift concert!
I read the article linked in the OP, I don’t recall it saying anything about the alleged rapist being an illegal immigrant. Is there a different article with that info?
Now you’ve beaten me…I’m just a lowly worst of us blood thirsty killer.I bow to your Hitler and Stalin greatness…lmao
I do what I can Good Sir, I do what I can…
(Now forgive me I have to get on the 'net and purchase a bunch of Cattle Cars for my District.
My Fuhrer tasked me to do this before the debate)
Can you tell me they are NOT? I am generalizing, and I’m angry about all of it! How did we get here Better yet, how do we get out of it
I have no idea who the alleged rapist/deceased is…which means I have no reason to simply declare that he was an illegal even if it fits a person’s chosen narrative
I sir am personally not the white flag type. I’m damn near sixty and am of the rather die on my feet than serve on my knees type.
In that case, we need to take that hill! Damn the torpedoes, or something like that!
I don’t think anyone in this conversation is the white flag type!
Then I guess you are either deliberately missing the fact they walked in while the rape was being committed. I’m not saying we start dragging people when an accusation has been made. But rape is a hard degrading crime and if some scumbag rapist gets put down while doing the crime. I’m not going to get bent out of shape about it.
You sir are much more articulate than I am.Well said.
But as with all of our posts, it comes down to “if”, because we don’t really know
I gave this Big Beautiful Country my knees! and most of my Legs.
I will not do it again.(Take a knee, bow and Scrape) SURRENDER.
If there is a fight I will be involved as much
as I can be.
I took an Oath and that NEVER expires! MY Country is in Trouble
YOU folks are my Brothers and Sisters now, FAMILY!
On the tough issues we STICK (Together)
The United States of America is MY HOME
I owe an Allegiance to defend her against all enemies Foreign and Domestic!
This may be corny sounding to some I DON’T care.
Many an A**hole has tried to KILL me and I’m still here
and will continue that till GOD CALLS ME HOME.
This is BS arguing over Rapists and Murderers and Due process
Did this Scu8bag give their Vic’s a fair shake?
Ask Laken Riley! Ashli Babbit! All the J6’ers!
These Criminals have to go. Taken out of Office never to ‘Serve’ again, RETIRED.
These Illegals will be deported or they will die.
These Chinese , Somali, Middle eastern males are NOT here for the Gazpacho!
They are here to KILL us and take us over!
This is a ridiculous arguement. If I see some Innocent being Raped I am NOT
going to hold him for the MAN.
He gave up the right to breath the minute he sexually assaulted an INNOCENT.
Have we gone so far down the phuckin’ Rabbit Hole this is a discussion?
Where We Go 1 We Go ALL! DON’T TREAD ON ME! (you won’t like the end result)