H/T to @IraqVeteran8888 on X
Hey guys…yall have to get your asses out and vote. Do not sit on the sidelines of history. Do not fall into the obscurity of societal rot and moral decay. The death of the west is on your doorstep. Kamala is a communist. The leftist agenda is one of degeneracy, rewarding bad behavior, and gaming the system against honest hard working people.
They are replacing you. When I say you I mean they are replacing the very concept of masculinity with a cruel imposter that is state sponsored stupidity and mindless violence. A world where they will determine the words that come of your mouth, the thoughts in your mind, and the path you will walk.
They will attempt to disarm so you are easier to kill. They will send the sons and daughters of the deplorable fly over states to die on a European battlefield for the banking cabal. All while they engage in pedophilia, gun running, drug running, and numerous other forms of profitable debauchery.
They will offer no aid and assistance in your time of need. They will continue to tax you into oblivion and debase your currency even further. Eventually, everyone will be dirt poor as a result. That is the left’s idea of equality. An equal sharing of misery while they sit atop their ivory tower.
We have a chance to DRASTICALLY decrease the size and power of the Federal Government for the first time in our lifetimes. Guys…Ron Paul is getting older. He’s not going to be around forever. His legacy can finally be realized. We owe him that.
You are not voting just for Donald Trump. You are voting for a dream team of Americans from all walks of life and political persuasions who want to chop the head of the beast. Don’t lose sight of the goal. We have the power to end this.
I care about you all very much and only want the best for everyone. I only wish to see people be the best versions of themselves they can be. I want an environment where the Government does the minimal required and stays out of our damn way. Under the Democrats, every home will have a hinge on its roof and a pair of Communist eyes staring down your every move.
The choice is clear. The future of America depends on this coalition. This is bigger than Trump. This is bigger than us. This is determining the path of Western civilization. Vote accordingly.