The World According to The Left

I’m not a sophisticated individual. Not a Harvard grad. No where near a billionaire. But I do know and understand one thing without question. The Left, The Democrats, base their entire existence on Climate Change and Race in everything they do and the way they live. Head Coach Marcus Freeman (an ironic name) is a fine example of an individual who lives his life as a free, uncomplicated man. Something the Left is unable to do. Kudos to this fine man.


People who pay attention to this year’s CFP playoffs know about ESPN’s desperation.
Coach Freeman had already addressed it days before.
But, it’s good he stood firm in front of a bigger audience.


All division All the time.


He went to Ohio State. Same school as JD Vance.

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“Da Left” that many complain about are the people who actually got off their couches, ran for office and convinced the majority of the voting electorate to vote for them and embrace their policies. Until and unless a viable political countermovement emerges, this will not change. Grousing from the sidelines does not change anything.

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Da Left apparently did not get your message last year. It was Da Right who got off their rears and said, “Enough is Enough!” But with the most conservative estimates of over 200 million guns in our country, I welcome you to come and take them. :+1:


That’s what’s the clicker is for
Anytime I watch a communist network for sports I put on another channel as alternate so when the talking heads come on i press last. Until the game comes back on


I don’t even watch the games anymore… stopped a long time ago…

rather picky about what I watch or read anymore as well…

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