The Media is Whining that they have to cover Trump before his term

They got lazy covering the out of the office on the beach admin’s nothing to see here agenda.

They are not used to having to cover a real working president in action.

They will need to replace their lacking wardrobe of beach wear for off the beach scenarios, no more swim trunks and flip flops for work wear, and get real running shoes to try and keep up.

Too bad, so sad.

They might really need to earn their pay.


A 90 year old invalid could cover Biden, and they would have a lot in common.


All of the sudden they have to listen to and report on someone that is talking about Regular Americans. Not DEI, Men in Sports, green this and that crappola. Probably kills them to actually broadcast the real stuff and not the craziness.


And, they are already talking about adjusting their coverage to fix their narrative, downplaying anything positive like accomplishments and amplifying anything negative.

We will still have to watch their interpretations and spin from their B.S. perspective.

Only now DJT will be established in office vs running for office.

So, they will be shifting from preventing him from being to dethroning him from office.

Back to their evil drawing board to see what screams they can devise.


Crap wont change. Evil orange guy is Hitler. Too bad for the most have seen the dark side and now going for hope and change (as obama put it)

I actually watch MSM more now since the election, humorous to watch the meltdowns


I predict (Fingers placed on my Temples) saying ‘Ohm, Ohm, Ohm’
in front of my Weegee Board with my Incents burning in the background…
That some of these Old Guard ‘Legacy Media’ will be replaced toot-sweet!
The one’s that were NEVER TRUMPERS and Demoncratic leaning who only
roasted the Prez when If the covered anything they did.
Face facts (If anyone paid attention to them individually @ all—I sure didn’t)
they outed themselves with all the Lawfare Trials salivating when they were going to put Trump in Irons! some of these Fxxkers couldn’t wait standing around w/ buckets of Hot Tar and Bags of feathers! (it’s Criminal) and as we see already He doesn’t forget who was on his side and who was agin him! KnowhatI’M sayin’?
You may see 'Podcasters and Blogger’s in the front row!
The NEW Breed of Fair and Honest Media coverage…I know right? I won’t know how to react!

Also just NOT having that Freak show KJ Muppethair @ the Podium will be a relief to the eyes!
(DEI HIRE@ it’s worst) Butt fugly!

A New day is dawning folk’s get ready for severe changes!
He’s already got Mexico, Some Blu city Mayors and Governors sh!tting themselves and even Pierre of the great white north flew in to bow and scrape on his knees in front of the Emperor! Not bad for not being sworn in yet huh?

It took Biden (4) fxxkin’ years to learn how to walk up a flight of steps!


(Truth that! The Lunatic Left lived the lie fed them and had no reality to reconcile that against, or chose not to believe anything but their propaganda narrative and agenda.

So, then reality bit, and their bubble burst and they started to have a bad reaction adjustment many call TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome, regardless of Trump, their belief system was shattered.

They were fooled. But, the human mind is strange. They would rather believe the lies, than admit that they were fooled.

So, they get stuck on that stupid loop like a broken record and cannot reconcile what happened in terms of reality.

Then they act out in ways that our British cousins call Bad Form, being all the more absurd, bizarre, and annoying then before if that is possible to the point of engaging in hostile behavior.

Be forewarned, this might not subside anytime soon.

These fools may adopt their professed plan to resist the new administration by unlawful violent means.

Because they are angered that they did not get their way, and cannot think themselves straight like some lash out back at employers who fired them, or a significant others who broke off a relationship, and it ended badly because they could not accept their responsibility and struck back violently.

We may witness some of this behavior and if they don’t communicate their feelings or motivation forewarning us, we or law enforcement might not know what triggered them, but that might be the root cause.

They just cannot come to grips with their new reality and just snap.

People like that may become suicidal, and not just end themselves, they may seek scenarios like suicide by cop, or an innocent citizen(s) until someone else ends them.

We could see a raise in that going into the new year as they run out of people to throw under the bus, or buses to throw them under.

A whole lot of more denial and deflection / projection may be forthcoming.

So, stay situational aware, and watch out for any behavioral manifestations, and don’t worry about understanding it, as much as staying safe, and reacting to the threats as they present themselves.

You are not likely going to change their minds if they decided to go out in a blaze of glory, and take you with them.)


I will tell them to bring it. We showed in this election that we are done with their BS.


Amen to that!


Ten :+1:
I, for one, Am Done with the craziness. Give Me Back My City, My Country…


Amen :pray: to that!


i stopped watching ‘Legacy Media’ long ago i only want to know the facts like who what where and why i can make up my own mind. time for us to do away with ‘Legacy Media’.


They are just dumbing down America :us: telling us how to view the issues from their perspective vs. knowing how to do critical thinking, and come to our own conclusions.

Which, is why the vast majority of the Lunatic Left since they had their belief system destroyed, are melting down unable to reconcile reality.


All these crybabies should invest in “Binkys” and flannel Security blankets as calming influences. Pacifiers (BINKYS) seem to have calming properties when used by infants ( the ones they haven’t aborted anyway) and toddlers. I think Binkys would help them as they would follow their masters mandates, to wit: “It’ll give them something to do, but won’t get them anywhere.”


And, I am all for anything that plugs their pie holes shut from commenting.


“Binky’s dipped in Fentanyl !” (there fixed it! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:)



I think the Demoncrats need a diaper change!