The kid who beat the teacher

5 years is a start. I wonder about the parents…


Like a good mother should… She puts the blame somewhere else.

Forget the fact he beat the absolute crap out of this teacher over a f-in toy.


That toy, sadly, may be the most important thing in his life and his only “real” friend.


no matter thereason there is no excuse for what he did and he has to pay for it


Autism shouldn’t be used as an excuse by parents.

I know imperfect yet disciplined autistic kids.

If you don’t discipline them, sooner or later, a judge would.


We have to start seeing things through a different Lens Folk’s
This ANIMAL is dangerous to anyone who gets in his way.
This ATTACK and his willingness to do great bodily harm tells me
either long term Imprisonment of the Pelican Bay SHU kind
where he steps out of line he will be handed daily ‘Attitude Adjustments’.
or take him behind the Courthouse and put two in his head.
Enough with all the EXCUSES.
Look to the Parents (are there two? or just one?
Autism? or FAS/Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
We need to get back to "You do the Crime you f**kin’ do the time.
Oh, but the Liberal :face_vomiting: will say Imprisonment only makes them worse
This Criminal is already worse, he will continue to do worse if left unmolested.
They always do.
Some people deserve to be ‘Put down’ like the rabid dogs they are.

No, I’m not Blood thirsty, I’m Violent, There’s a difference.


Only 5 years ???
The mother should be held accountable also. Autistic or not he needs discipline. He should have been disciplined from an early age. And with his behavioral problems maybe main stream schooling wasn’t the proper choice.


This type of Bullsh** is what is running around on
our inner cities and School grounds. They do what they please
when they please. The Progressives have given them a place at their table
to do what they want, misunderstood youths.

  • We will NOT incarcerate you! That is wrong.
  • So, when they’ve destroyed everything in their 'hood yours will be next.
    How do you like them apples?

The county that I live in would not put up with this trash. I have no actual proof of the figures but I’ve heard thru the grapevine that over 70% of the men carry and over 30% of the women carry. At least every one that I know do. I know the neighbors are all armed and practice often. The gunfire we hear in the evening is not the gas station being robbed. It is actually a comforting sound. These scum can bring it on. And Indiana is still for now a Stand Your Ground State.


It’s hard to tell where I live what ‘The Numbers’ are
here who’s carrying, whose not.
I do see less Open Carry than I once did.
I see less Pro 2A/Gun stickers on cars N Trucks now.
But I DO see/hear an awful lot of Crimes against Criminals lately.
A Body found (Yesterday)
Three dead in the same House (recent)
2 people killed each other in the same road rage incident. (last week)
I believe people are fed up and quietly taking matters into their own hands now.
Our ‘Mesa’ is beginning to be the new dump site for undesirables.
All the articles tell me what effort Police will exert in most of these cases
*Long rap sheets

  • Known to Police (good one)
  • Had trouble fitting in.
  • NADA, Not so much.
  • Scoop up the remains and move on.