The gift of first aid classes

My kids are getting older (all late teens early twenties) and instead of giving them things for Christmas, I’m going to be giving them experiences. One experience I was considering was first aid classes (I’m such an exciting mom). And, the classes are something we can do together. I took my motorcycle course with one of my sons and we will have lifelong memories from that class.

Don’t get me wrong, this wouldn’t be the only thing I’d give them, but it would probably be one of the most beneficial gifts as they will always be able to use it as injury/accidents happen everywhere - working on the car, a toddler falls and hits a sharp object, chopping vegetables and the knife slips.

First aid classes would also cross the political boundaries as everyone wants to help protect their families from hurts if they can.

Would you give first aid classes as a gift?


Yes, I would. And I’ve taken several First aid Classes. And I’m also certified for acute management of gun shot wounds and CPR/AED.


I think it is a great idea! I have been seriously thinking about taking such a class myself. Was thinking, if we had an accident at a couple of ranges I shoot at, it could easily be a while before 911 showed up.

And certainly not a bad life skill for anyone to have.


Yes, I think it is a great gift idea.

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I agree it is a great idea. My son would love it. My daughter would look me in the eye and ask if I knew the number for 911. She gets the best from her mom and the worst from me.


I think any type of experience you can gift to your child is a good one. It gives you something to bond over and is something specific and special to each child.

I think it’s a great idea and one I did with my daughter. It put us in a position where we were equals learning something new together and not me as parent and her as child it was both of us as students. Even if I already knew the subject we were taking.


That’s another great point. As children get older, it’s good to show them that we “old folks” can still learn as equals to them. :wink:


That’s a realization that isn’t all that common for our youngsters. The sooner it’s introduced the easier it is for their maturity to start evolving. As I say, it’s a significant realization in the process of becoming fully human. Nicely done @Zavier_D @Dawn For @MikeBKY Mike, your daughter might start there, but realize so much more afterward? And if you could do it with both of them at the same time?

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If they are still riding their motorcycles then take the Accident Scene Management Class with them

I am lucky. For our motorcycle club (GWRRA) we can take a CPR/First Aid/AED class for $25

Absolutely. EXCELLENT practical gift. Might save someone you love… or someone someone else loves. You could follow up with something like a STOMP bag and BooBoo kit for them to keep on hand.
I am known to send things like Israeli bandages, Quick Clot and such to my family for Christmas. Usually start with a complete high end trauma first aide kit when they start driving then follow up with other safety or advanced safety items like quick clot, chest seals, classes, escape tools like a window breaking knife with seat belt cutter, then move on to things like pepper spray, fire extinguishers for the house and car… I thought it would alienate me at first but my Nieces, especially after one got in a nasty car accident, have learned to expect and appreciate such things from me. I also give them a pre-paid credit card so they can get whatever else may be on their mind.

When I was working m drive was a treacherous 35 mile drive each way. I saw way too many accidents. Had one guy die in my arms. It sobers you up. I now carry literally a portable hospital (STOMP BAG) supplemented with extra items in my vehicle. I PERSONALLY may not know how to use everything, but in a crisis perhaps a Dr might drive by and be able to use the tools I have available to save a life. Gives me a sense of being responsible. I would say also add a couple wool blankets. I have lost 2 coats and a blanket that ended up going to the hospital with the patients. The Sheriffs and first responders were very impressed and supportive of what I had available to stabilize a victim until they arrived.
The other thing I do, and I had mixed feelings about it at first was to put decals on my vehicle windows notifying there was a LARGE fire extinguisher and First Aide kit inside. In the beginning I was afraid it might lure someone to break into my truck, but I have had no issues.
I think you have done great!