The Day of The Jackal

Obviously you didn’t know. That’s why you had to look it up! That’s why Trump loves the uneducated. You’ll believe his bullshit. Since you like calling people names I’ll just call you the ignorant one.

And Kammy Harris (who isn’t Black) loves the Homeless. And the Illegals. And the Illiterate. And the Lazy. And the Pedophiles. And anyone of color on the Welfare Rolls. And the Black Scholars in Chicago who rob, steal, and commit murder, so they can further their education. And finally, Howard58, who wears his rainbow shirt and flies his rainbow flag to show the world he is an ANTIFA Socialist. Keep your shirt and flag. You’ll need it.


I honestly thought you were a reasonable and respectful person. I’m disappointed that you cannot accept sarcasm and parody for what it is and therefore must revert to name-calling. A pity.

Meanwhile in the Middle East: The IDF is kicking ass and taking no prisoners. Hamas is being blown-apart - literally, and Hezbollah is finding out that pagers are more deadly than American Patriots.

P.S. George Floyd died of a drug overdose.


Yes. I despise lies and hatred. You’ve got me pegged.

Ironically, the lies and hatred are EXACTLY what I’ve been confronting on this list. I’ve expressed no hatred towards you or ANYONE here nor have I lied.

Everyone has the option of instructors. Begging for students or compromising my ethics to CONvince students to take my course never crossed my mind.

I, like all American citizens, have a 1st Amendment right to speak my mind. This forum IS NOT a firearms course, judging by the mostly non-firearms oriented topics.

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Do you even know what ANTIFA stands for? I doubt it. Just like Trump the convicted felon with yet another failed business owing hundreds of millions of dollars for repeatedly slandering a woman you name call like a 10year old! Get educated. No wait. Don’t! Trump loves the uneducated. His words!!!

Did you even read the articles?

Here’s an excerpt from the linked “half a million voters purged in Oklahoma” article.

deceased individuals along with those who moved out of state were removed from the voter list, so were those who were deemed “inactive.”

So, dead democrats can’t vote anymore? What a blow to their party!!!

After all, my good friends long dead grandfather voted for the democrats for the FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE AND MILITARY CAREER, 2 years postmortem in 2020!!!

There have to be checks and balances in ANY system, and allowing deceased individuals to remain “active voters” opens the door for election fraud as was committed in 2020.

They got caught then, so they threw open the boarders and now are screaming to allow foreign nationals (illegal aliens) to vote with no proof of citizenship.


OMFG… you are the dimmest light-bulb on the forums. ANTIFA is a person or group opposing fascism. It’s a fake defensive response to the right-wing. Duh…


Wow! You knew what it meant. Except it didn’t ant anti right unless you want a fascist government. Do you?

You disrespect me, I react and that makes me unreasonable and disrespectful. Wow.

As far as tRump is concerned, I am showing him too much respect, considering the volumes of lies he spews.

The Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH are American citizens. But he and his idiot VP pick, Junior Varsity, are keeping the lie alive. Gullible racists are threatening Haitians and anyone those imbeciles THINK is Haitian.

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And the gullible democrats who have tried to kill Trump because of rhetoric like yours?




Not sure how I disrespected you but okay I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. The Haitian immigrants are… immigrants who were bused into a small peaceful town in middle America. Regardless of if they eat cats and the geese in the parks, they are still immigrants from a s__t-hole who cannot assimilate in American Society without a lot of help. So get them the help they need. Teach them how to drive. Teach them American customs. Teach them respect (that’ll be real hard). But get them in line with the program. That’s not asking much for a total welfare burden that they are.

So the regulars here have used common sense and a bit of a fairy tale to place a bell around your neck just as the mice did to the cat. We all know who you are, where you are, and how you try to distort the narrative in you favor to adhere to your agenda. So what? We hear the bell ring and we either ignore your rhetoric or troll you to see your reactions. (often comical). But I do understand that there are Fudds in these forums who due to white guilt will prostrate themselves and turn to the East to pray. Good for them because I’m betting that the majority here will not conform to the teachings of Allah.

P.S. Watch and listen to Bibi’s speech to the UN Assembly. This is the way we deal with cats.


The screenshot was for YOUR benefit. You really seem to be against a strong, safe prosperous America for all citizens. There are plenty of places in the world where the environment is collectivist, oppressive and authoritarian. Why don’t you relocate and get what you want instead of peeing in everyone else’s cheerios? You are the one who started calling fellow Americans and President Trump names. Now you wanna be the victim?


You very much have a right to have and express really dumb opinions. Just curious why you choose to do so on a platform that the vast majority of people are going to vehemently disagree with you. Unless you are a troll who enjoys starting :poop:.


I don’t know them nor do I live with or near them.

The mayor stated that NOTHING about that story is true. The racist woman who started that lie apologized DAYS AGO!

There are multi-generation Americans who cannot drive, speak English and STILL don’t havecommon sense. Let’s get them right and let new Americans have more examples of acceptable behavior.

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Excuse me. Trump wants an authoritarian government. That’s why he wanted immunity. While he asks for immunity he is saying Biden doesn’t get it. He’s already said he will use the office to get retribution.

I stand for a free America. A strong military. The right of “responsible citizens” to own guns. The right to have a justice system free of corruption. I believe we need to call people out when they lie or simply make stuff up. We’re seeing way too much of it.

We as a nation are facing legitimate issues like immigration and the national debt. We need to make education better not just for the college bound. I want my right to have my own religious beliefs.

I could go on but I think I made my point. I am all for my country remaining the greatest country in history.

It’s interesting that some people what a mob rule form of “Democracy” rather than our Constitutional Republic simply because they didn’t get their way. At the Federal level, we have a House of Representatives that loosely correlates to a popular representation of the people. Then we have a Senate that is made up of exactly two US Senators from each state, regardless of the population of each state. This ensures that each state gets an equal voice whether they’re as populous as California or as small as Wyoming or Vermont. And similar to how Congress is a blend of popular representation (House) and state representation (Senate), we select the POTUS, the executive branch of gov’t, by way of the EC.

Is the US Senate “antiquated” too? That’s never a topic by those wanting to get rid of the EC because it’s not an issue of whether or not something makes sense. They simply want to do away with the EC because they didn’t get their way.


That’s one thing that can’t be emphasized enough. The more a justice fits the mold of what a SCOTUS justice is intended to be, the more Liberals talk trash about him. They use the term “conservative” as a criticism, even though that’s the very job of a SCOTUS justice. They exist to protect and preserve the US Constitution and strike down laws that conflict with it. But the better they are at their jobs, the more loudly the Liberals protest. It baffles me.


“Didn’t get their way”…? You mean like Dumpster and his supporters in 2020 when he LOST the presidential election?

“Mob rule”, eh? Is THAT what you call your state level elections? If not, why apply such a silly term in this thread?

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Funny, you say you want the good things but continue to support and vote for people and ideologies that are the exact opposite. Are you just confused or complicit?