The Big Book of Political BS

A thought popped into my head this AM, if there was a book that (continually updated) contained all the garbage our elected officials publicly told us, how big would the book be? I believe the first entry in the book of BS would be credited to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi;

  1. you have to pass it to see what’s in it- Nancy Pelosi)
  2. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor- Barack Obama
  3. I’m going to start an investigation into the document leak- Sen. Chuck Grassley

There isn’t enough paper…or electrons.


What is worse is that “we” the people, allow that to happen. “We” keep electing the same people. “We” never hold our politicians accountable to the promises and statements they make. Take a look at your example person, Nancy Pelosi. She has been in congress since 1987. Think of all the things she has said, all the things she has done and not done, yet her constituents do not hold her accountable for her lies and promises. This is a story that is repeated time and time again across this country. I understand that incumbency has a particular advantage, and that once in power, a politician can change the rules to benefit them (again, to pick on NP as it was the example from the OP) take a look at the California primary process. So, until “we” the people wake up and demand more from our politicians, they will continue to lie, cheat, and steal, because there is no downside for them, no consequences. And when politicians are caught doing something REALLY bad, it reminds me of my 4 YO. You see them come out and make this big heartfelt apology, the scandal dies down, and next thing you know they are re-elected. Its like my 4YO who is in a phase who thinks that if he does something wrong and has a consequence, if he says sorry and acknowledges it, then maybe he can make the consequence go away. Well, “we” fall for it, time and time again.


TITLE " I AM BUTT HURT" BY - Snowflake

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There aren’t enough trees! Not enough terrrabytes or yottabytes! And you want it updatable, not gonnna happen.

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