The Aftermath: Relationships Complicate Things

At first I thought " what was the O.D. officer there for in the first place? Then I thought " what diff does it make"? The person defending himself had the right to do so no matter what capacity he/she was in, and especially with the thought or possibility of losing his duty weapon wich could have gotten not just himself killed but the wkman as well.

Never get involved with someone that has a restraining order their X.

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Agreed, a good rule of thumb but when it comes down to brass tacs her X shouldnt have been there and had he followed the law/rules he would be alive to one day and coulda called her so many names a fly wouldnt land on her, in jest of course when its all healed. And it usually does

My rule of thumb was never to start a relationship with someone who had more problems than I did.


Hello and welcome @Charles574 @Thomas_L3 @Jacob108 @Russell77

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This is true. No one can know exactly how they will respond to any given situation. But I do think that reviewing these situations and imagining how we might respond can prep our minds and bodies to better respond when faced with similar stressful situation. It’s better to have thought through, and preferably trained and practiced for, what we might do if A, B or C happens than to have no idea what we should do when confronted with a sudden threat.

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The only problem I see with this is did this woman play the two men against the other. I am in great hope that the arresting officers investigated the woman also. It just seemed too cut and dry to me. I believe that if the “off duty officer” was there to interview the woman’s case he would have been “on duty”. That being said the husband should have used better restraint then to kick in the door. I believe I would have drawn and fired before he got to me if I were able. The fact the officer took a beating first just sealed the case of self defense. IMO

The officer did a great job of articulating why he was in fear for his life, “The officer drew his weapon because he feared losing consciousness and having his firearm taken”, instead of just using the trite expression “I was in fear for my life”. He also gave commands to the assailant demonstrating his attempt to deescalate the situation prior to using his firearm. Both show a reasonable mindset prior to actually shooting the assailant. Always think of your actions from the jury’s point of view.


Welcome aboard sir! We are glad to have you.

Hello and welcome @Michael1686

His first mistake was getting involved with a married woman, whether estranged or not. That would have avoided the incident completely. Personal integrity goes a long way. NEVER get involved with a married woman. Good way to get shot.


Hello and welcome @Stephen355

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But my wife is married and I am involved with her. Joking welcome to the forum.


NEVER date a women with a crazy estranged husband. :thinking:


That was a primary instruction to my kids male or female. Dont get involved with with anyone with unresolved relationship issues. :us:

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