The Aftermath: Relationships Are Killers

Here is what Attorney DeWitt had to say:

In Review:

When police investigate a shooting, one of the most important details is the relationship between the involved parties. Based on what has been reported, this is my analysis:

• Legal: The attacker brandished a weapon, and the woman, in reasonable fear of death or bodily harm, used hers to end the threat. There were numerous witnesses to the altercation. The defender admitted to shooting, with witnesses backing up her statements about an altercation. If you are stalked or threatened, it is very important to make a police report before you’re forced to defend your life. Had this shooting taken place anywhere other than in public — in front of witnesses — the relationship between the parties may well have made this a closer case.

• Tactical: The defender had to shoot from inside a food truck in the presence of numerous other people. Marksmanship is always important, but never more so than in a public venue.

• Training: De-escalation techniques and conflict-avoidance training can be very helpful in domestic situations.

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I’m in outside sales. I carry everywhere i go for business. Only a few clients have noticed my shoulder holster. I sell B2B LED lighting and retrofitting. I get into some bad areas esp in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. In hate going to NY,NY and Delaware. So i avoid those liberal laws that violate my rights. I’ll go, but i hate it.

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