Taliban violates women’s rights, flaunts Biden’s guns, threatens US Homeland

And ignore my MSM sites stating what he posted is true. Got it.

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Right, that’s the CHNV program, correct? Recall a prior poster claimed Biden is ILLEGALLY flying people into the country. (Or flying illegals into the country.)

Which is actually completely incorrect. Read up on the CHNV program. It actually helps reduce illegals coming into the country. Contrary to Ron43xMOS’s post on Aug 30.

And this is my very point. Plenty of people are claiming all sorts of scary conspiracies that just aren’t true once you actually read up on it.

It’s all there.

I don’t even know what an “MSM” site is, but if what they report is verifiable and corroborated by multiple independent sources, I’m more than happy to hear what they have to say.

You can’t be that stupid. MSM - main-stream media.

Exactly what those stories point out. TDS is strong in you.


Brother, Before you get an incurable case of athlete’s tongue any further
Please read up on Ammoland.com. They are a 2A publication focused on OUR RIGHT’s
and the TRUTH. This isn’t some left-wing rag like AP, Reuters and who was your third
source? Oh, yeah the friggin’ BBC? REALLY? SERIOUSLY? You’ve GOT TO BE KIDDING us?..
These (3) sources are notorious for being IN the Demoncrats pockets.
these are the same Folk’s that for (3.5) years said… Pudding Pants is Just fine…
'Nothing to see here folk’s, move along…

You scare me (and NOT in a good way!)



That’s funny.

Not funny, just the truth. It is amazing that you are so dense not to see that, but then you also claim not to know what MSM is, too.

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Thanks, with an Electrical Engineering degree and two masters degrees, you’re right, I’m not that stupid. Not knowing a particular TLA does not make anyone stupid, DID?

Yup, when someone has a lousy argument, they invariably turn to insults.

Rave on guys, you get the last nasty words. Make it a doozy!!!

Yes, I am right, and no, I don’t have those degrees. Your silly snobbery does not float here.

Just tired of your ignorant BS. I have proven you wrong and your a-- hurts, so you are crying. Show where what I posted is false, other than the BS left-wing MSM. BTW, I used your BS MSM to prove you wrong.

Yes, in this case it does, as MSM is generic - as in everyone not a moron knows what MSM is.

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I don’t rave Brother
I don’t insult
and I don’t care if your daddy studied under Thomas Edison.
You’re degrees mean nothing to the discussion. Brother Dave has
CLEARLY pointed out point after point (Of which you listened to nothing)
If you dared to research your ‘Sources’ you would see the points being
made against your Bastions of Journalist Endeavors and would take a breath
rather than speed replying to every counter point.
I am not here to fight with you.
I am here to help you see the other side of the story. If you are unwilling
to look at your sources than we should just agree to disagree.




And we are still here.

1 Like

hmm, I wonder what TLA means… LOL Here are just a few… LOL And yet, even without all your degrees, I was able to still understand what you meant, Timber License Agreement. :rofl:

TLA - Texas Library Association
TLA - Three Letter Acronym
TLA - Two Letter Acronym
TLA - The Last Airbender
TLA - Teaching and Learning Activities6540158310198554:102410011&cof=FORID:10&ie=UTF-8)|
TLA - The Lost Art
TLA - Text-Link-Ads
TLA - Tektronix Logic Analyzer
TLA - Top-Level Aggregation
TLA - Temporal Logic of Actions
TLA - Teaching and Learning Assistant
TLA - Thin Layer Activation
TLA - Telephone Line Adapter
TLA - The Lost Age
TLA - Throttle Lever Angle
TLA - Timber License Agreement
TLA - Theater of the Living Arts
TLA - The Latin Americanist
TLA - Term Loan A
TLA - Temporary Lodging Allowance
TLA - Teaching, Learning and Assessment
TLA - Teacher Learning Academy
TLA - Three Letter Abbreviation
TLA - Tennessee Library Association
TLA - The Language Academy

As for MSM, here’s the first several or so hits:

  1. [

Mainstream media

](Mainstream media - Wikipedia)

In journalism, mainstream media is a term and abbreviation used to refer collectively to the various large mass news media that influence many people and both reflect and shape prevailing currents of thought. The term is used to contrast with alternative media. Wikipedia

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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mainstream_media

Mainstream media - Wikipedia

Learn about the term mainstream media (MSM) and its contrast with alternative media, as well as the history and trends of media consolidation and ownership in the US and UK. Find out how MSM reflects and shapes public opinion and how it is perceived by different audiences.

  1. https://www.pewresearch.org › short-reads › 2021 › 05 › 07 › broad-agreement-in-u-s-even-among-partisans-on-which-news-outlets-are-part-of-the-mainstream-media

Americans broadly agree which news outlets are in mainstream media …

How do Americans define and perceive the term “mainstream media”? This report analyzes public opinions on 13 news outlets, including their political leanings, audience sizes and sources of news.

  1. https://theconversation.com › why-legitimate-criticism-of-the-mainstream-media-is-in-danger-of-being-hijacked-by-anti-vax-and-freedom-movements-178166

Why legitimate criticism of the ‘mainstream’ media is in danger of …

This anti-media rhetoric has a clear “us” versus “them” dynamic. People start to define their own identities in opposition to the “MSM”.

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I sure hope they wake up soon. I am a bit on edge thinking that we will lose freedom because some are sound asleep. Think about what it will be like where our government will control the food. And some say well i will go hunt for the food I need. Well harder then you may think. No guns, no ammo, and maybe our knifes. Hard to hit a rabbit with a rock. and with no guns they will control us. This is not going to be bad deal if they get their way. No freedom , a thing of the past. and they saytake away the guns and there will be peace, & no crime. and no longer need police , we have zero crime. And the USA will be the place to live. Think peace all the time. Well wake up, will not be that way at all.


Bahahaha, only laughing with you. Those idiots never stop to think of all the centuries where armies used swords, knives , slings, bow and arrows, catapults, throwing rocks off walls, hammers, axes and too many to list. Some people are just stupid.


Paul, With respect.

Simple statement of fact:
“THEY will never get my guns unless they pry them from my cold dead hands.
This is not hubris, this is NOT a movie line. This is a FACT. You will not get me to
live on my knees begging for the Elites table scraps. You will NOT get me to
go behind the wire into a camp, onto Cattle Cars, Give up my RIGHTS.
My Freedom(s) are precious and I will DIE defending them.”


I so enjoy trolls. They are very entertaining.


Yepper! Tasty too! Fry 'em up w/ a Lil Butter wrap em ina Warmed flour Tortilla
w/ Green Chili on top…Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy Brother.

With you on that.