Tactical Tuesday: ETP Drill

Just in time for some holiday range time - a new drill to try:

Who’s going to the range over the holiday weekend?

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Looks like a fun confidence builder. Also looks like it could be done ‘dry fire’. I will definitely try it during my next range visit.
No, sorry to say I did not make it to the range over the 4th weekend.

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ETP is one of the best drills in the entire program.

Done regularly and properly it builds the necessary neuro pathways to make a trained response automatic significantly improving both speed and accuracy.

If you want to get to a sub 1.5 second accurate draw to first shot this is where you start and how you get there.

Don’t worry about being fast, just get the steps right and repeat them in the same manner every time ensuring you get an accurate shot.

Speed will then come with repetition.

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Just out of curiosity, why did they stop this series? I thought it was FANTASTIC!!!

As far as I know they haven’t. @Dawn have I missed something?

The series is on hiatus for the rest of the year due to other training and video projects in the works. I’ve let Steve know how much you like the series. :slight_smile:

I’ll keep using them throughout the Community for training ideas - you may see something you missed in the past. And with all training, reinforcing what you’re learning is a great idea!