Mike 164. The . L.D.S. That I . Know. It. Would. Be. Wiser. To. Go . Back . Across the .BORDER. . Then. Mess with . The . L.D.S. They. Have been . Getting ready for the . LATTER . DAYS. Well before any of.Us . . That’s .A. FACT. Not my opinion. . HAw. Haw. They would . End. Looters. And they have been warned. They said GOD. Told them. . I. Believe them. Bobby jean.
Donny . 102 THATS .great here is ya a root beer SIR
99 used to be the only way north and south until the interstate 5 was put in. 99 and 5 start at Canada and runs south to Mehekiko, Mexico that is!
As late as 10 years ago, I would go home at 12pm for lunch using 99 for a 12-mile drive, even at times have some afternoon delight, then be back at work at 1pm.
Traffic now resembles 101 in the Bay Area.
In a SHTF situation, 99’s not an option.
I’m stuck where I am.
I live east of 5 and 99 and I do not use them at all unless I really have to but usually, I do not have to. Along the five from Tacoma to Seattle cars are being shot at and most places that 99 goes it is shady as hell.
It is bad enough the indoor range I go to is in a bad area too but I have not had any problems there yet! My favorite gun shop is only 2 miles from where I live and is on the way to where I work.
I am beginning to wonder if ultralight aircraft might be viable. Couldn’t carry much but it would get you out. We have quite a few where I live including amphibious. Even a gyrocopter.
You would still need a pre staged drop point. I would want to be as high up as I could be. But that is an interesting idea.
It might be viable but you might want to use caution after what happened in Israel on Oct.7. If you’re flying with an armed passenger, there’s a good chance you’ll be viewed as a hostile and engaged. Besides, you’ll need a secure place to take off and land and ultralights don’t set speed records allowing a longer time to take you under fire. Being taken under fire by one person presents a good possibility of survival. Same situation of being under fire by multiple shooters presents a different possible outcome.
from previous experience in the air with someone shooting at you as a passenger … at lower speeds
there is no where to hide!!! all you can do is shoot back!!!
OldDude49, I definitely don’t want to be in air. No air. No . Sea. I am a. Land lover. Just me .
That is a fact good sir! Fly low and fast, use the terrain, and suppress the fire like crazy if you can.
I have never flown an ultralight, but it seems pretty damn vulnerable. Maybe if you could stay over the woods nice and low? 60 knots while right above the tree tops might be survivable.
I wouldn’t be a piece of cake though. Lol
Wilderness is two hundred yards from my house, I’ll hoof it. Once in the woods better leave me and mine alone.
remeber long time back folks sayin they would hunt for food when SHTF…
with all the things going on… not real sure that will work out…
that wasting deer diseases…
ticks that carry lymes…
tick that cause meat allergy…
mosquitoes and all the disease they carry…
the number of people that will be hunting food as well…
think it will not take long for such food to get hunted out… possibly to extinction…
best to stock up on food now IMHO…
maybe but if the hear you coming they could set up and wait???
maybe would be better to be really high up???
but then you will need to come down when you reach your destination??? hmmm…
and many will see where you go???
flyin does NOT seem to be the best idea…
Not to be a downer, but a realist here…
If the United States collapses, and society as we know it comes to an end, for whatever reason, most of us will not survive. It’s only possible to sustain our present population, or even a small fraction of it, with mechanized farming and an efficient distribution network. Without those two things there’s nowhere near enough food that can be hunted, gathered or grown to feed even a few of us. Add to that the fact that many of us are dependent on modern medicine to stay alive. World population up until mechanized farming was a steady, but tiny fraction of today. The biggest cities had people in the thousands, not millions, and we’d have to return to that in a very ugly way.
Even if we were to find ourselves in a situation like Haiti, we’d be far worse off because there would be no big neighbors to send aid and try to help in any way. Life would be short, violent and brutal.
We can all prep for natural or even limited man made disasters, and we all should, but I don’t know where to begin, nor that I would even want to, prep for total societal collapse.
I just pray we never get there. Even, let’s say, the 10,000,000 potentially hostile foreign nationals now here decide to mobilize and attack. In that case, we would still have the backing of the US military. It would suddenly be impossible to hide the fact that we’ve been invaded, and we’d have to openly be at war. We’d be fighting a war on our own soil for the first time in centuries, but I would expect it to still resemble a fairly traditional war, and I could see us all hunkering down into a war profile: fighting, conserving and producing for the effort. Still, society would continue, I think, along with food production. Ukraine is still getting food from their farms and manufacturing and distribution are still up and running. Israel too. I would hope we’d do the same.
Another thought about the woods. With that many greenhorns there is bound to be a fire or several and no one to put it out. Abandoned nuclear and chemical plants are time bombs. Dams without control of spill gates and turbines are another possible disaster. A dam break could have a domino effect. Communities or people downstream could easily be inundated and washed away without warning.
You can count on another collapse. It will come in the form of another Covid style lockdown most likely.
They will invent another pandemic and lock everyone down. While we’re locked down, more “vaccinations” will be required/mandatory. However this lockdown will be far more sophisticated than the last one. The parasite class will be coming into your home for surprise visits, whenever they wish, to do to you and your family whatever they wish, including separations and quarantining, etc. The new vaccine tracking requirements will not be paper cards and verbal confirmations, but more invasive, inescapable electronic, digital recording. They learned what they did wrong while bringing on the last pandemic. They won’t be making those mistakes again. Much the same as the 2016 presidential election, when they screwed up in trying to steal it and Trump won anyway. They fixed those mistakes and stole the election in 2020. Something tells me they’ll steal the 2024 election with ease. But if Trump does manage to get past them, they’ll have lots of new tricks and surprises to make him ineffective, like they did the last time.
The goal here is to get absolute control of the population. They will bring down the Internet and you’ll be kicked off of it. The only way back will be to accept your digital ID (Trump is HUGE on digital ID, red flag laws and taking firearms without due process of law. Kamala says she will simply take our firearms if Congress refuses to act. Kamala will be a most cruel dictator. This scummy-skank has no sense of humor and will be a bore and a menace and a crime against humanity for eight long years).
Whoever becomes president in 2024 will inherit a massive economic crisis. This crisis will further deepen their powers and control over the population. You will be given a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) for money instead of cash or digits. Crypto and Bitcoin will be hijacked and taken over by the government. Likley it will be outlawed. Possibly the government will take over Bitcoin and use it for their CBDC, after reprogramming it for their purposes. There will be no more more logging onto the Internet anonymously, no more VPNs. No more logging on to the Internet without your masters knowing who you are and what you’re doing at all times. Zero privacy. Tracked 24/7/365.
Government will be 100% non-transparent to you, while they have all the privacy they want and you will be 100% transparent and accessible to them whenever they wish for whatever purpose they wish.
Forget about the police. They are not here to protect you and never have been. Constitutional protections will be completely removed and it’s a free-for-all for the State. The police will protect only the ruling class and each other. It won’t matter what happens to you. This is happening already. The police are now creating a bubble of protections around them, setting precedent, using toys like Terry vs. Ohio and Pennsylvania Vs. Mimms and just flat out lying to people in order to circumvent Constitutional rights and protections and get their hands on folks to give them a good roadside beat down and assett forfeiture just for the fun of it.
Government will be in cahoots with the gangs and cartels. They will partner up to keep the population under control and keep tribute incoming. You’ll soon owe everything you have (it won’t be much more than your life) to the gangs and the cops.
You will be completely disarmed. You won’t be just 46% slave, like you are now, but 100% owned and operated by the State and the corporations. Eventually the State will be done away with as well and the corporations will own and run things as they see fit.
That’s what they’re really up to. Getting rid of YOU.
Surprised to learn the enemy all this time hasn’t been some Middle Easterner with a morbid religion, not some skalawag coming up from Mexico, not some pedo or other felon who just can’t stop committing crimes? It’s been us all along. They’ve been saying it out loud and openly for years now: YOU are the enemy.
Welcome to your plutocratic technocracy. Welcome to hell.
I didn’t get vaxxed the last time I won’t next time either. For this plan to work there has to be mass compliance,which I agree they will mostly get. Then there’s people like me …since leaving active duty I ain’t real big on following orders . To disarm me you will have to kill me. I don’t know about other areas but there’s a large group of like minded individuals around here. I suspect there are lots of others as well. They may try…there will be resistance.
Indeed. We have resistance. That’s the biggest thing we have going. Keep up the nice work. Do not comply. Not doing what they say is the best resistance there is.
We also have their failures and mistakes to profit from, which are many. In fact, if they weren’t so narcissistic, arrogant, stupid, foolish and grasping-- they’d have control by now. Realize, the Left is capable of nothing but destruction. They aren’t planners and builders and thinkers and creators. They’re addicts, money grabbers and printers who ain’t got a clue.
You make a good point. Your neighbor is compliant in all commands and is a snitch. Be careful out there. Pay attention to the corporations and neighbors who have those “we love everybody and don’t care who our neighbors are–even if they hate us and want to kill us” signs in their front yards and entryways. Watch out for them. Don’t talk to them. They’re not one of us and do not have our best interests in mind.
Using 64 oz. per day, per person. As a guideline and assuming you used it only for drinking, and used every drop. You would have 55 days. It’s half a gallon per person per day. Of fluid.