Shot with his own gun - It Does Happen

Went out with his gun and got in a fight with a guy, a fight until he lost control of his fire arm. Training Training Training.


classic case of “gum violence”


:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :100:

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A lesson, as I see it:

"Detectives learned that the fight began [around 01:30] after one of the victims heard Cody “yelling and causing a disturbance” outside his apartment. The man walked out to see what was happening and took his gun with him.

The man confronted Cody and told him to quiet down."

Don’t do that.

If you look for a fight, you might find one. 100% avoidable.


I call the local PD’s non-emergency number.
Not worth changing from my pajamas.


Just another swift move by unneeded heroes. Folks should learn when to jump in & when to lay low


How does the anti-gunner movement perceive us who believe in our freedoms?

I’ve heard them say we want the mentally ill to have guns.

No, we’re not monkeys. However outside of the USCCA, think of the top 3-5 national gun right organizations, and take a look at their website main pages.

If anyone who is not a staunch supporter like us, looks at their site, how do you think it’s perceived?

If we don’t address these issues from the inside with sophistication, we’re going to lose leverage in the rights we care more about.

I don’t need to like them or agree with them, but I need to respect them, if I want to help us win some of these battles for our rights. There are just too many mistakes made by legal gun owners which hurts our cause in the legislature.

Present company excluded of course.


Liberal homosexual activist from Omaha, Nebraska. By-th-way, the filibuster didn’t last 10 minutes.


Respect is a 2-way street. This senator also called ALL the 100s of people in the balcony white supremacists. Most of the Left won’t sit down and have intelligent conversations.

We continue to offer dialog, but all of our “evidence” and studies are ignored because people like Hunt think they know better.

I have dialoged with my peers about guns and the 2A (liberal peers) and have taken some to the range and they find that all they were taught was wrong… “Debating” with people like Hunt will do no good. Dialoging with peers is what we need to do…


Wow, Omaha has taken a sharp left-turn since the days when I was there.

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There are 2 Republicans from Omaha, and one, McCallister, is a hardened RINO…

Your observation is spot on.

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I think Americans, in general, need to put politics aside and reconnect with our neighbors. You’re setting a good example. FWIW, my friends at the range cross the political spectrum.


Take a good hard look around this forum too. USCCA isn’t immune from the jackasses making us look bad either. One forum member in particular loves to use this medium to espouse his bigoted views. And he goes unchecked most, if not all the time.


This is what a productive conversation with the senator would look like

  • Hello , Megan, how are you today?
  • Hi Dr.Schrinck, much better, increase in dosage really helped, and I stopped seeing supremacists, slavers and mysoginists all around me…

But we should always keep trying to talk to people and understand their concerns!


As “we” do so often when gun control laws come up, it is imperative that we start with an agreed-upon definition of terms (think “assault rifle” or “assault weapon”)

Can you define “mentally ill”?


Control language and you control the masses!


Yes, the grumpy old men are certainly over-represented on this forum, and we have our share of trolls.
I wonder if that’s not a true representation of USCCA membership as a whole, though. There are relatively few community members who do the majority of the posting, and (I assume) there are relatively few USCCA members who ever post here.

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In Nebraska PTSD is defined as a mental illness, it can keep Nebraskans from owning firearms, HOWEVER, one can be diagnosed with PTSD and still become an police officer and carry a gun.


I have no problem with trolls on this site. What I have a problem with is that they get gentle treatment while others are being banned for calling them out. I think that is the biggest reason I don’t have USCCA insurance-- though I think they are the best and Youtube videos and the blog are great and I have a friend at the hospital that loans me the USCCA Concealed Carry Magazine which is fantastic…


If you don’t mind my asking, which other company forum do you prefer over this one?

Edited: That benefit of USCCA membership is issued by the Universal Fire and Casualty Insurance Company, to be a little more precise