always enjoy reading or watching Massad, so much knowledge.
Good reading.
This recent case mentioned (July 17th, 2022 in Greenwood, Indiana. Eli Dicken, 40 yards) is very convincing that even most self defense actions happen within 5 yard we must practice longer distances as well.
Very interesting. Puts a different light on the saying “25 Yards isn’t self defense…”.
Great article. I love Mass Ayoob. He is the greatest self defense expert and writer of our time. Both of us being New Hampshire folks makes me like him for.
He often talks about ability of the perp to inflict bodily harm or death. Distance has a lot to do with that. A guy with a baseball bat at 100 yards does not have the ability to inflict bodily harm but a 30-06 certainly does. Just one more thing to consider
It’s all to often that these things get twisted by the argument of “who’s self defense”? As was said in the article, sometimes the self defense is not yours but the defense of someone else. I believe this is where being able to make a longer shot may prove to be invaluable.
I have several files with his articles that he has written and I try to save any videos he is in.
I have to say that all of the cases cited. None of them were cases of defense of self. I mean abstractly yes, but not really defense of self. I feel they were more of a case of defense of others.
True but if someone points a firearm at you at 50 yards they HAVE threatened deadly force against you. Of course make sure they are facing you when you press the trigger.
In Massad Ayoobs final words,“Don’t neglect your long-range skill with the handgun(s) you carry.”
With or without a RDS?
Depends on whether you can or not.
The longest shot I might need to take in my church is about 100 feet, at Walmart or Home Depot it’s even more, so I practice a lot and carry the appropriate handgun to make sure it’s a slam dunk for me.
If anyone comes through a door with an AK or an AR the distance will not be a point I’ll ever stop to consider and it IS self defense.
I grew up reading Mas!