Secretary of Defense

It’s the pensions and bene’s they’re after.


Yea some guy was questioning ( the CNN & MSDemBC gals were going nuts , there are no men there ) but this dude was on FOX with some talking heads and he said “ the Pentagon has a $ 850 million budget and a million people there who have been doing those jobs for years!” And someone said “ so how they been doing lately?” Lol and he didn’t say another word lol Oh they broke away for a second or two and showed the beeeaaachs on “ The Peew “ and they was acting like they never ever heard of him and were acting like they couldn’t pronounce his name like Poopie Goldturd was going “ who is this guy Hedseet or Herhew or what”? And she’s lying thru her blue mouth. I’m just glad they broke away from her because I was about to lose my dinner! She isn’t human but the missing link I’m sure , she’s so fugly she has to sneak up on a mud puddle to get a drink out of it. She don’t wear a watch because everytime she looks at them they stop, if she was the only woman on this earth I’d neuter myself with a rusty pocket knife so I would have no desire to ever be with a woman again but just looking at a picture of her will do that.


I completely agree. We have to start somewhere and this is as good a place as any to start. I’m just pointing out that it’s going to take a long term commitment. Our military didn’t get like this solely because of Biden.

Watçhing the talking heads, carry on like this is the end of the World. It’s goiñg to get worse before it gets better.

The MSM machine is already giving a preview of what the talking heads will be squawking about for the next 4 years. This election cycle showed the paradigm shift in the way America Public consumes, and processes it’s News and information.


Oh without a doubt “The Resistance” is in full court press mode and the hardcore liberal snowflakes are on meltdown mode.


1-For the first time ever we have the numbers and power (Presidency, Senate and House) and a clear mandate from The People via votes to move quickly. And when we get National Voter ID in place the thin walls of blue will collapse and cheating will be easily rooted out and prosecuted. Remember, even UNIONS are starting to see this and bosses are capitulating. I feel I’ll see a Red American Map within my lifetime.

2-We also need to know liberals are cowards and the second they see some of their elite members hanging from a tree, finally accountable for their illegal transgressions, the rest will start reassessing their “beliefs”. That’s why we also need to get someone in the DOJ that is crazy enough to release the Epstein and Diddy lists when he gets there :rofl:

3-We have the platform(s) to make sure TRUTH prevails. X is now the #1 source of news for many people in many countries, just about globally, and what The People do well is call out bullshit when they see it and NOW they can do it without censoring. I’ve been hanging out there and looking at the change of attitude and X is on FIRE!!! The “Old Guard” folks that can’t adapt to the “New Reality” are getting roasted at the stake with EVERY post they make. Many have cancelled the X accounts and others like Elizabeth Warren must cry herself to sleep with the comments her posts get on arrival!!! Myths that were rolling for months now take days, sometimes hours, to debunk and be HARSHLY/WIDELY ridiculed. And as far as the “talking heads”, look how many have lost their jobs already as MSNBC has lost over 50% of their viewers almost overnight and CNN commentators and anchors are seeing the corporate Grim Reaper knocking at their door every day as they cower under their desks. They already announced they are firing folks, reducing salaries and not renewing contracts for many.

I think we have the perfect storm for change at an accelerated tempo. Even the folks that were the least likely to join this movement are jumping on the bus as it passes them by, and the liberals are becoming easier to expose and alienate with the TRUTH!!! It’s now cool to be patriotic and conservative again, even for gays and the “minorities” folks that are tired of being treated as a “group” by the champions of Identity Politics.

At the end of the day, you are an American or you are NOT…


Yes, but can our efforts overcome the regime’s continued (And accelerated) attempts to destroy the country?


Destroy is a harsh word that even for America haters is tough to achieve. If the USA was lacking in resources or talent in any way I’d be worried but the people, markets and economy respond well to the future when they see it clearly. The promise of lower taxes at a personal and corporate level will kick-start corporations eager for optimism. We have enough raw energy in this country to run the world and at the end of the day we have the brightest minds on our roster.

The immediate opening of the energy floodgates and substantial and swift lowering of energy costs will see the beginnings of an era of price cuts and “sales” of goods at higher profit margins, which means higher profits, higher salaries and higher consumer confidence. The People will not forget this anytime soon because maybe living with Bidenomics for 4 years is the best lesson we ever had for people to appreciate the good times and recognize hell and bullshit. You can’t gas light my wallet!!! This effect will last for generations in all age groups and “groups”.

So, will we be limping a little for a bit? You bet’cha. BUT, we will heal.


Spot on target :dart:! Great assessment and take on our new reality! I agree :100:%

Viva la difference! Its magnificent!

Thanks to Trump and his effect!

I think that now we have our best chance to preserve our Second Amendment rights, and pass a National Reciprocity Constitutional Carry with Our New President and his Trifecta in place.


And as proof, I offer the story circulating around that ABC is in full panic mode looking for Pro-Trump people to add to the table on The View.

And I loved that Whoopie was roasted in X for TRYING to mock Pete being chosen for SecDef by folks pointing out that Pete has a degree from Princeton, a Masters from Harvard and two Bronze medals while Whoopie……


The burn is real, painful and immediate :star:


Yeah for our side for a change!

No more brow beatings from the DermonicRats and the ■■■■■■■■!

Yeah, and yeah again I say!

And, just like that the tables are turned in our favor.


1-And Supreme Court.
2-Absolutely; the sooner. the better.
3-Must create a legal barrier between news and entertainment/opinion with licensing.

Perfect storm, perhaps, but we can’t throw it away like both sides keep doing with their agendas…over and over.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Report: Inside the Pentagon’s implosion over Pete Hegseth

They said the career staff were ‘apoplectic’ after hearing Hegseth, who has no government or management experience, would be taking over administration of the largest joint fighting forces in the world. ‘The libs seemed so depressed,’ according to a message obtained by And many are especially concerned about Trump’s reported plan to create a ‘warrior board’ of retired ex-military personnel to weed out ‘woke generals’ deemed unfit for leadership. A Pentagon official told that there’s some ‘disappointment’ that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Q. Brown Jr., who replaced Gen. Mark Milley, will be the main target of the purge. Employees feel he’s a ‘good guy that keeps his head down and doesn’t make news,’ they explained.


The “pentagon official” is probably a fictional character and in any case they can all just run to their safe space and get some counseling.

Like I stated before, my son served under him and he did said he’s a good guy. If he is then he has nothing to worry about. BUT, my son has a lot of folks under him and he has also told me he’s separating because the AF has turned into a babysitting service for fragile flowers and HE is tired of the nonsense. Sooooooooo there is that…


The whole assault on the services by woke, PCBS, DEI, CRT nonsense ninnies has been to neuter our military.

We should only be concerned with our national security and our legality to achieve that mission just like our enemies.

Not a cauldron for social experimentation by those who hate us and want us the fail our mission.


How about voiding the conviction and reinstating Lt Col Stu Scheller. He is the one that blew the whistle on the Afghanistan fiasco. Fun would be bumping him up to flag and make him Marine Corp Commandant.


Well the military is where one would volunteer to do military type things mainly protect this country from invaders from inside and out but I don’t care how ‘ fair” it is or who’s little feelings it hurts but if you wanna find a girlfriend or a boyfriend or both go to a bar or on line or something that’s not what the military is for, and there isn’t any training for charging while holding hands . Could you imagine one of those guuuys in Teddy Roosavelts outfit charging up San Juan Hill riding side-saddle? Lol


Yeah, the whole alphabet conglomerate wanted the government to pay for their tranny transitions at taxpayer expense because “they” could not afford the out of pocket expenses that insurance companies would not pay as solely elective procedures.

So, they got the DOD to pay for their weirdness that we did not get to vote approval for.

That detracted from the military medical mission of conserving the fighting force and supporting the warriors’ families by draining resources from their mission to support a woke social program in its place.

Non of whom intended to be warriors short-term let alone make a career of the military.

So, we lost assets and resources further degrading our operational readiness capabilities to field and support our troops in combat or their families needs at home.

I am so glad that Trump won and who he appointed to head the DOD.

To return our military’s focus on its mission that our enemies, domestic and foreign just want to destroy.

Speaking of which, the Democrats want a “Shadow Cabinet,” to monitor Trump’s Cabinet.

They are having another meltdown over Trump’s cabinet choices and their intentions to correct all their failed policies, and clean up their messes that they want to preserve as is.

We the People elected Trump to replace the Failed Tyranical Regime and correct and clean up their mess.

It is our prerogative through our President-Elect exactly how to accomplish that including by Trump having the exclusive mandate of We the People to end all their woke crap.

They have no say in trying to perpetuate any of their crap by hindering this Administration.

They have a right to STFU, sit down, and let this Administration do its job unobstructed.

They lost their helm and their minds if they think they have any dibs left going forward.

Butt out! You’re on the outside looking in now!


That’s right they need to lick their wounds and instead of insulting everyone in the country, or most of us at least and spend their time just doing anything else than taking it out on everyone but themselves. I will guarantee anyone that if those c*s on TV be them those skanks on “ the Peew” ( an original ) or on MSDemBC ( another original ) or anything else in the next four years or even before the inauguration someone is gonna be out shopping ( buying butter lol ) and someone who is a Trump voter smacks one of those rips right in her Botox filled lips and says “ that’s for calling me and my whole family a bunch of @&$:?’!s. AndI can’t wait to hear about it and see them get away with it, set up a go- fund -me account for the best lawyer money can buy and beat the rap! And I hope it happens soon and every day! Lol


And I also remember when we were getting geared up to go to Iraq and folks in the military was on TV getting interviewed and they would say “ get deployed ! I didn’t sign up for this” and I’d scream “ the h311 you didn’t, you joined the military and that means you may some day have to do military things”! I guess a lot of kids joined to get their college paid for , didn’t sign up for this kinda stuff Are you kidding? They should have been dishonorably discharged on the spot.



My source cut off his hearing after a few people. Interesting stuff. Sure looks like he’ll squeak through, even with the moral superiors in the room. I say give him a chance. It would be hard to do worse than we’re doing now.