Secretary of Defense

I don’t doubt he’s smart and has a pair of brass ones on him but still I was a bit shocked when he heard it prolly because of his age. But that’s all.


Well my two cents are his age is no big deal we have had younger , He is smart and former officer. I hope he goes in with a open mind and open eyes, if he doesn’t cut it he can be replaced.


He’s got my vote if he’s anti-woke. The military has lost it’s edge because of the lowering of standards and mandatory indoctrination of troops in DEI subjects (among other things). I saw this nonsense beginning to infect my branch of the service back in the late 70s, Now, it is at full-tilt-boogie. Guys I’ve talked to say they have to walk on egg-shells or they will be drawn and quartered. Enough is enough. We need warriors honed with fire and steel. We have a lot of work to do.


With all the changes that the future POTUS will initiate, wonder if getting the military post names back to what they had been forever. I respect the new names, but they ain’t historical!


@CPT_Dennis Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you with us. :slightly_smiling_face:
That may be a question for the new Sec. Def. :us:


I just read that some ppl at the pentagon are freaking out, one guy said apparently jobs are going to the ones who defends him on TV the most and one guy who asked for annanimity said “ who the F*** is this guy? Lol . But mostly they are saying that many a soldier and/or Marine has the merits he does but they were hoping for someone who was older and had more long term experience and not just at being a ground pounder wich is very respectable no doubt but the old Pentagon Generals that had been in many a conflict may have a hard time adjusting to Me. Hegseth. It makes no diff to me because I know no decisions will be made by just one person unless that one person is the president but I’m sure all will be well but was hoping there wouldn’t be any conflict from the word go at least. But what do I know ya know?


So in English, they want a swamp dweller who won’t rock the boat much…. This is an organization with a trillion dollar budget and some of the worst waste record of any organization in government. My family is just about all military either active or retired. I get all the info first hand from my kids and close relatives. Some of the bullshit would make your blood boil……


@Frank261 And as any smart LT knows, you don’t go charging in anywhere until you sit down and have a chat with the Sargent who likely has experienced a like situation before.




That Tulsi Gabbard just got some defense position in the Trump house DNI


Greetings & welcome, my friend, thank you for joining us and we hope that you enjoy the community!

Take care & be well

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He is considerably junior at O-4 Major for that post for perspective:

Officer grades start at:

O-1 2nd Lieutenant , through O-3 Captain are considered = Company Grade (lower third of officers);

O-4 Major through O-6 Colonel = Field Grade (middle third of officers);

O-7 through O-10 Flag Officers / (upper third)

O-7 = Brigadier General :star:,
O-8 = Major General :star: :star:,
O-9 = Lieutenant General :star::star::star:, and
O-10 = General :star::star::star::star:,
as they get flags with their number of start(s) on them.

To put this in perspective US Marine General
James Mathis, was a four star 0-10 General

prior to being Secretary of Defense:

Since Colonials and Generals are a dime a dozen in the Washington DC Military District only two star O-8 Major Generals and up were admitted as patients to the Eisenhower Executive VIP unit at Walter Reed Regional Army Medical Center, and Senators and up to the President, not Members of Congress.

So, Majors are fairly junior in the Department of Defense.

Also, at the (USMA) United States Military Academy, West Point only had reserved parking at various locations for O-6 Colonials and up.

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Just so we are clear, the SecDef does NOT operate in a vacuum or even go to war himself. He has the Joint Chiefs of Staff advising him and the President and other members of the cabinet as needed, and THEY do the fighting by proxy.

The last Chairman proved to be a common traitorous turd and has now been removed. The current Chairman is actually a very capable man according to my son who served under him but we’ll see where his alliances fall swiftly. The military problems start at the crop of 1-3 star Generals that have been promoted based on how brown their noses are and who’s their sugar daddy in the 4star universe. These are the guys that have been advancing the DEI and other BS agendas as a means to an end of furthering their careers under the current political climate because nowadays you don’t advance by winning wars, you advance by rubber stamping woke classes and safe zones in bases. THAT needs to STOP!!!

The biggest Jobe of the new SecDef is to re-focus the Military to once again become a Warrior Force, shed the political handcuffs they have been operating with, tighten up the physical requirements back to fighter standards, and make them fiscally efficiency focused so they reduce wasteful spending.

Once he issues those mandates, all he has to do is keep an eye on who’s who and clean up the ones fighting the new objectives or just not delivering.


He’s a straight up guy, with all those qualifications, if he didn’t feel he could handle the job, eye to eye with Trump he would have said, I’m not the one!

The Matt Gaetz for AG, well I’m investing in rope, this guy is going to, RIGHTFULLY, hang a lot of lifetime a$$holes! However I want front row seats on the Capitol steps!


Most of the bullsh!t already does…


All true but, the new admin will change out the old admin regardless of qualifications exceptions might be made in time of a world war to maintain continuity.

Yes, we have conflicts but, there are officers just under the cabinet heads of defense department post like the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and each service’s chief of staff who I believe have staggered terms from the Sec of Def to maintain continuity, so that these changes of administrations don’t compromising existing operations in play from those who have designated and orchestrated them.

Unlike the White House staff that will be completely flipped out.


My family has a long history of military service going back to the Revolutionary War. Every Generation. Once you hit O-3 or O-4. It’s no longer about what you know, it’s about who you know. That may sound cynical but it’s what I have observed.

To get the military leadership back to what it used to be… It’s not going to happen in one Presidential term. It’s just not going to happen. It’s going to take decades. Because you are going to have to clean out all of the current WOKE leadership. Then you have to sweep out all of the mid rank O’s who had attached themselves to the current WOKE leadership. It’s going to have to be a Generational effort.


Seems all the current “good ole generals” are interested in is wokism and wasting tax payer money. I can’t name one I would follow into combat. A new broom sweeps cleanest.


Agreed, but you have to start somewhere. If you can the ONE layer of seriously committed Os on the top, are there ARE some left, you can get a decent running start. If you manage to get Trump for four years and then JD gets to the White House, and I think he is the ONE VP that has a good chance of making this happen, then you have a great chance at overhauling the Military in the USA.


They’re interested in their jobs, and keeping them. Nothing more. Just like civilians.