Result of sending National Reciprocity letters to my elected representatives

What would help is the Supreme Court or Congress doing their job to correct this.

I have come to agree that the EO Executive Order path is likely the weakest path as a subsequent POTUS can undue with a pen what a previous POTUS did with a pen. As Trump is doing to Biden.

A short term win as such might not last.

A Supreme Court decision, or a legislative bill takes more to undo, and may be longer lasting.

We saw a big pendulum swing this last election.

The next one might not be as favorable to us as this one is now.

I am hopeful this therm will set some things set straight that are long over due, like correcting the infringements on our 2A rights nationwide.

The Constitution should rule supreme over states that wish to ignore it.


And yet…here we still are.

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Yes here we are because in prior years the DemonicRats pack the Supreme Court, and Congress.

That stymied them from correcting this as they should have.

Maybe with our prayers, and encouragement this will get corrected this term.

This is what I don’t understand… what needs to be corrected?
2A is clear, it’s a federal law that has supremecy over local and state laws.

To me, executive branch has to enforce the law. To me, that means arresting those lawmakers who ignore the law (by making legislation that bypasses the law), and arresting judges who rule in favor of ignoring the law.

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That would be great if we all thought like that. The challenge is to get everybody to think like that. Then the Supreme Court and Congress would have to listen to we the people.

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Yes, in illinoid, the communists rule. jaybob and his ilk have the state wrapped up. I cringe every time I receive a request from ISRA or GOA that asks me to contact my states representatives.