Range targets - show them off!

It was Flagged because she was dangerously standing behind the target.


I’ve stopped doing the stand in the lane and cranking off aimed shots at a target doing dot torture drills. That sort of repetitiveness doesn’t serve my current physical goals. But that’s my opinion for me only. I do alot of dryfire and laser shooting to address grip and trigger pull. Now I go to the range to do draw and point shoot on a timer as that fills my current needs.

I’ve very deliberately said my needs. I’ve even started using full power self defense rounds now as it fits my needs. I’m absolutely positive that other ways of doing range time are just as good. But I have the money and time to shoot the way that is most effective for me.


Brought out the old shotgun today. Haven’t used it in 2-3 years. Dang, I forgot just how much fun it is! The picture above is a single shot at 25 yards. Size 8 birdshot (not allowed to use buckshot on the steel targets).

I was the only one on the bay for about an hour, which meant I was allowed to practice some things that I’m not normally allowed to do if others are present. Having a “tactical day” was a ton of fun! I got to walk and shoot, hide behind barrels and pop out to shot, etc.

I did learn a few things, though. First, I should probably practice with it more than once every other year. Second, my reloading time sucks. Next time I go to the gun store I’m going to get some dummy shells to practice with. Third, I found that a certain velocity (1250 fps) didn’t cycle my semi-auto as well as a slightly lower velocity (1200 fps). This surprised me. Maybe the load itself was different, I’m not sure. That was the only difference I noticed on the box…. It was a good reminder to make sure to test specific ammo before stocking up on the good stuff for home defense.


It’s about to turn really cold here in New Mexico. So I thought I’d get out on possibly our last 50°+ day until next spring.

My new lollipop target, 8” & 4” steel. (Using the 8” today.) 705 and 900 yards.


You know, I’m a huge advocate of constant and persistent training. I always try to focus on single problem until I get it right.
Recently I attended a defensive basic class and found it very informative to me.

We had been engaging target from 3 different distances with 3 different shooting techniques:

  • distance: 3 yard, 5 yard, 7 yards
  • technique: sighted shooting, flash shooting, point shooting
  • rounds: 5 per engagement

Doing all possible combinations there were total of 45 rounds.

I was happy with my results - no misses at all, but after analyzing this at home I found out that I still have to work on Natural Point of Aim.

All precise, sighted shooting (pace was around 1 shot per second) landed in dead center - that is great and expected.
But I see my problem with point shooting, where time is limited (pace around 2.5 rds per second) and I have to rely on my NPA - almost all of the hits were to the right.
Not a big deal from defensive perspective… but… (yes there is always but) who doesn’t want to be a master. :smiling_imp:


My training took a major leap forward when I started “journaling”. It’s like “plan the work, work the plan”. Many good articles out there with practical suggestions. Some are specific to shooting. It will be worth your time to check it out. I require all of my new students to journal. First thing we do when they come to shoot is review their journal. Also helps me to remember what we have been doing!!!



Happy Birthday!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


It has been said, “Even a bad day at the range is a good day!”
I am a bit rusty! but the wife did good!

I did 40 feet

and practiced head shots! :angry:


Went to the range today. Used my suppressor for the first time! Man that was nice. Also got a better grouping than usual (due to the suppressor, maybe?). 500 yards, .308 bolt action. The bottom shot was my “cold” shot. The top three were follow ups. Wind was 15-20 MPH the whole time, and constantly changing directions. After these shots the range went cold so I went down to check, and forgot to take more pictures afterwards. Suffice it to say, despite the horrendous wind, overall, this was one of my best days so far! I’m looking forward to trying to do it again in January, hopefully further out next time.


good stuff! many people find the suppressor helps a lot for a lot of reasons. Less physically felt recoil, less muzzle blast/concussion to cause flinch response, and they usually give you 40-50 fps increase as well in MV on top of just making them a more pleasant experience in general.


I was wondering about the change in MV. After putting it on, I had to rezero the rifle. I’m not sure if something happened since my last trip to the range, or if it was the suppressor. In any case, after rezeroing, it was fine for the rest of the day.


12-14-2023 verifying return to zero of quick disconnect red dot on 9mm Keltec Sub2k.
25 yards 10 rounds Blazer brass 115 grain fmj from a rest. 1st shot was low the rest are a little left.


went today to run some more through the new Kimber. Blue area is 10 yards (pay no mind to the low one.), shapes were 15 yards, and red area was 20 yards. Not my best, but I’ll get back there. Unfortunately, shooting is a perishable skill.


Looks you still don’t feel the gun. Shoot more and report. I’m very curious how this gun performs for you.


I’ll get there. It’s been a while since I’ve been shooting. It’s such a great shooter!


KDS9c is similar to CZ 75 and Wilson Combat double stack models. It must be a great shooter. You will get used to it soon !


Pretend you’re shooting a Staccato, all the rounds will go through the same hole! :grin:


Unfortunately it doesn’t work this way with Staccato. :yum:
Completely different grip feeling.

However rounds in the same hole are common here… :grinning:


If i shoot long enough, eventually they will all go through the same hole. It’ll just be a large hole :rofl: