So… I know that you guys at USCCA say don’t use Punisher logos on your gun. But does that include martial arts shorts? I was just curious because I was looking at a pair but at the same time didn’t want to incriminate myself in a lethal or non lethal force SD incident.
I think this is really about considering how anything or everything could be used against you - it implies a sympathy with a particular mindset and behavior. What if the worst happens and you have to defend yourself - what additional jeopardy do you put yourself in?
In a perfect world, it wouldn’t matter, but its not a perfect world - that’s why we carry and train and study martial arts. It’s just as important to consider the what-ifs of potential prosecution as it is of other situations that require self defense.
Unfortunately that’s true. I was just hoping that shorts would be different than a firearm accessory. But it is what it is. You just confirmed what I thought.
Thanks Zee.
A zealous prosecutor will do anything they can to hit you in court. Be careful what you hand them to do that with.
I could go either way on this one. It’s clothing, not your firearm. And right now, Marvel is huge - it’s not like you’re exclusively wearing Punisher shorts (that would be kind of creepy).
You may get a little more flack about Punisher than you would about Hulk or Captain America, but they’re shorts with a pop culture reference.
When in doubt, err on the side of caution. But there has to be a point where we live our lives.