Presidential Freedom Medal awarded to Soros, Hillary and guy who posed with attempted assassin Ryan Routh

That had me ROFLMAO!!! Sadly, I could envision him asking that.


Isn’t that Soros? :sunglasses:


In slightly less than 11 days Joe will be gone. The only news worthy item I can think of after he leaves office that will be reported on is when he’s moved on to a better place. Out of sight and out of mind until then hopefully.


Picture if you will Kenneth,
Old Pudding expires on the beach in 2025 shortly after he leaves Orrifice.
NO ONE NOTICES for (5) days!
One ALERT Secret Service DEI hire notices a peculiar smell not known to come from Beach sand. She checks for a pulse, his head falls off!
Family members (Hunter doesn’t care) scramble, burning up
the phone lines trying to find someone who gives a sh!t! (No takers)
They attempt to set up a ‘Viewing ’ in the Capitol Rotunda
But due to Extreme Green Deal Initiative enforced by the Late not
so great Gavin Newsome (recently Hung by the neck in Los Angeles
after the worst Wildfires in recorded history) thus creating the GREATEST MEME in 2025! ‘A Noose for Newsome!’ the Puddin’ family is FORBIDDEN from bringing Joe’s Rancid, decaying Corpse (hardly noticeable difference when he held office mind you).
Had to settle for a burial @ Sea in Rehobarth…Re -Hoe- barth WHATEVER.
Immediately Sea Life in the Area petition the Supreme Court to sue ‘Doktor Jill’ and Bunter for Pollution on a Nuclear Level the entire East Coast. The Atlantic Ocean Tide refuses to wash up on the beach until a Human sacrifice of Kamala Harris is burned on a Funeral Pyre in apology. The Pyre is set alight by all the empty boxes of wine scatted around her home.
(Bunter goes back into rehab for the 47th time)

WHAT? Could happen? Thank you Rod! AH Good Times.


10 more days… will we make it?


Didn’t he do the same for the Haitians in Ohio?


Doubt he’s going there. He falls UP stairs now, more likely he will fall down stairs after death.


Another day, another stab in our collective backs…


What one “president” giveth, another President can taketh away.


The question NEEDS to be asked, but probably won’t be answered honestly.
“Why is the current President and the Democrat party so interested in protecting the people here illegally from these countries that we know produce violent criminals and haters of America and Americans?”


Enemies of America.


The Evil-In-Chief / Liar-In-Chief /Racist-In-Chief will be inaugurated on the 20th of January 2025.

Have you bumped your head…against a brick wall…REPEATEDLY!!!

Surely you speak of the one that just changed the law to force the Federal Government to allow questionable illegal immigrants from unsavory places to stay in country for another year or so.


How did you forget to mention “felon”? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Even He knows that was bs.


Hey now, our resident representative of the religion of peace and love welcomes those newcomers with open arms.

So of course he disapproves of the president elect.


There seem to be an increasing number of people on this forum that simply want to come here to disagree. I don’t get it. Why not find a leftist Marxist, or pro-palistenian/anti-semite, or every town for gun safety forum to go hang out in? There’s a forum for every hobby, interest or political view in the world. Find one that fits you, because clearly this one doesnt.

It’s like an angry Englishman going to O’Malley’s pub every day and loudly bashing the Irish. Go find someplace else to hang out, and quit bothering the locals who just want to enjoy each other’s company.


When someone is UNHAPPY with their Lot in Life, Maybe suffered a Trauma like divorce from his husband or went to a club last night and it was his turn to be ‘the receiver’ (IDK but that looks like it hurts) You’re a PAID ‘SHILL’ by the competition of USCCA or just a loser demoncrat who is upset the next (4) years are going to be filled with Prosperity and Joy dammit I want to see JOY! …and he can’t handle it. None of them can.
We will have to just grin and bear this for a little while until their Mommie’s turn off the Internet on them because they used up their monthly allotment of Wind Turbine power.

UNADULTERATED JOY Gunner’s in (8) days!
Eyes open, Ears up!
The Demons are not done yet trying to destroy 'Merica!


OMG Dude?!?! I spit coffee allover the keyboard. :upside_down_face: :rofl:


Sometimes I have to read Don102 a couple of times to make sure I get all of the good info out of it. Gives me another reason to keep breathing. :joy: